Docetaxel – any experience with this?

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    I think we are going to explore the immunotherapy route before any more chemo. I stopped responding to Gem/Oxa and had no response on Xeloda so I am not optimistic that other chemo treatments will work.

    Thanks all!



    Hi Christine,

    I did regimens of Gem/Cis then Gem alone and my final chemo was Taxotere, (Docetaxel). I didn’t get any shrinkage from this chemo, but remained stable for a good time. At first side effects were not horrible, but the longer I was on it the more the toxicity built up. I ended up with a horrible rash from head to toe, and literally wanted to scratch my skin off! It was after this time that I made the decision to be done with chemo and have better Quality vs. Quantity of life. Shortly after that, I found the immunotherapy trial at NIH.

    Remember we all experience different side effects to different degrees, so don’t let my experience scare you. I just wanted to let you know that I did this chemo, and give you my experience. Please let me know if I can help with any other questions.



    Christiine….hoping for someone to come forward and share their experience with Docetaxel.
    Hugs to you, Christine.


    Sorry, Christine, I have not heard much of this treatment. Try using our SEARCH engine at the top and type it in and see if any older posts appear. In the meantime perhaps someone who knows something about it will give an opinion. Best of luck.


    HI all again. Well my scans this week weren’t any better than they were 8 weeks ago. Spots continue to grow on my lungs and new spots were found on my liver.

    My Onc wants to try Gem/Docetaxel. I did a few rounds of Gem/Oxaliplatin and then just 3 rounds of Xeloda. Not sure if this should be the next step or not.

    Thanks for any input


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