Looking for other Canadians

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    That would be a great idea Scott, to try and met him.
    I’m really surprised no one else has chimed in here, in being a Canuck. Maybe there isn’t that many on here.
    I had a resection in December 2014 and then chemo until May 2015 so now I am Cancer free but as you know it’s a wait see now for recurrence. I went back to working full time in January 2016 to help keep my mind busy.
    Take care and it has been great talking with you. I hope your snow isn’t getting to high, it appears you’ve just had another storm. We’ve had a very mild winter, but it’s not over yet.


    I have never really looked for literature while in Halifax, but I will. The specialist in Halifax is coaching my onc here in Kentville. He seems to have quite a bit of experience with cc, and Im going to try and meet him next trip down.


    I live an hour west of Toronto in Cambridge. But have lived most of my life in the out skirts of Toronto. I actually lived in NB from 89 till 03, in a small village along the St John river, Perth Andover.
    I’m hoping we can connect with many other Canucks here and I’m trying to get the word out about the Foundations existence for that. I found a social page on FB which gave me great support when I was first diagnosed, I felt very alone. You must have experienced the same.
    I go next month for my 15 month CTscan and plan on talking with others at the clinic as I was told most have cc there also.
    I was surprised the PM didn’t have a group or literature on CC, but that’s okay, I want help and support as many as I can. When I was in SLC for the Foundations annual conference it was so emotional for us all to get together, there was about 50 of us patients and just as many caregivers, fantastic to talk, laugh and cry with them all. But I was the only Canuck, couldn’t believe it.
    This cancer is so rare and little is known on how to even treat it. The conference brought all kinds of medical professionals together to talk about it and compare knowledge. We need this.
    How did you learn about this group? When you go to Halifax for tests is there any literature at all available to you about CC? It’s great connecting with you, I love Canada!


    I do receive chemo right here in Kentville. I have to travel to Halifax for PET scans. If I ever need radiation or any other treatment I’ll need to travel to Halifax for those as well. Its only an hour away, so that’s ok.
    I used to have a stop in Baddeck when I had a sales route many years ago. Its nice there. All of Cape Breton Island is nice.
    Are you from Toronto? I lived there for a few months when I worked for Futureshop when I was out of school. I worked at the store on Weston Rd. I’m too much of a hillbilly for the big city, but I had some good times there.
    I have not met any other canucks with cc. I don’t know if my onc has ever dealt with a cc case. She always finds the right specialist to get the right answer though.


    Good morning Scott, I’m a patient at Princess Margaret in Toronto, well I was. I’m not in any treatment right now as its a wait and see. Do you receive treatment in NS? My daughter in law is from Baddck.
    How did you learn about the Foundation? Have you met any other CDN’s?


    Nova Scotia here. I live in Kentville, Located in the Annapolis Valley.


    I was just at the Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation Annual Conference and was surprised to realize that I was the only Canadian. It was a fantastic experience to go to this conference. There was so much information and stories shared and it was the best to connect with other patients that could all relate. Doctors, oncologists, surgeons provided information relevant to us and we could ask questions. When I spoke with people familiar with the Foundation setup, it was suggested I do this. I’d love to connect with others. I know there are many of us out there and I want to get the word out about the Foundation. When I was diagnosed I felt so alone, no one at the CDN Cancer Society had a clue what I was talk about for a cancer. It took me a longtime to connect with others. I love my new CC family in so many ways and I know my strength in this fight is from alot of their support. So please chime in and let’s connect, share stories and who knows what we can create together.

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