2nd line treatment.

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    Yeah, Scott. You did it.


    YEA! Scott I am so glad it is in. Is that what they call a blood bath? SORRY! Wait, maybe the lineman’s last name was Dracula? I hope and pray for everything to run smoothly for you now. and with great success!


    Picc line is in. I was there for less than an hour. Other than the initial iv line which hurt, and all the blood I could feel running down my arm, it was a breeze.


    Scott…..I hope for others to chime in and share their thoughts. But, I don’t think you need to be scared. This is a common procedure performed thousands of times. I was with my husband throughout each facet of treatments and this was one of the least troublesome procedures for him.


    I’m not going to lie, the more I research or see pictures of this picc line, the more anxious I’m getting. I’m sure they will inform me and ease my mind tomorrow when I get it installed, but right now, I’m scared shitless. I think the thought of it interfering with coaching my son’s foitball team is the biggest problem. It also looks kinda gross.


    Scott…..I assume that “wearing home” means that you will be using a pump for continuous infusion of 5-FU? Wondering what the other drugs are?
    My husband had a PIC line as well.
    Few things I remember: ask to have a warm cloths applied to area prior to inures accessing the port. A competent nurse should be able to access the port without causing pain.

    My husband continued to exercise, but he did not play football and avoided any possible physical impact on the site.

    Karen, our nurse, explained more on this link:


    You are right. Mine was under and Teddy’s was over. At this point I will shut my mouth but you can laugh!


    Yep, I’m a definite hillbilly. not a bit of yuppy city slicker in me. I’ve read so far that I need to clean the picc line constantly and I can’t swim with it. Im gonna ask for the one that is under the skin. I’d have to wait a bit to get it though. Im sure there is a decent waiting list.


    Scott, the Pic Line is not bad, really. With the surgery I had 2 weeks ago to see if I have a brain, they used a smaller version called a Central Line. It was put in on the upper left of my chest while I was “under”. All the LABS and Blood work and anything else that comes in a needle was totally pain free and I wish it for you as well. It was only held in by one stitch at either end. Didn’t hurt coming out either. My Teddy had a Pic line when he had his Whipple Surgery and it really does save getting poked at a ton. I would ask the “linemen” as I think they call themselves, about your coaching the “other” linemen! BTW, in a previous post of yours you mentioned being a hillbilly? Well, you are my favorite hillbilly and I know my “billy” will get over this “hill”.


    After the gem/cis didnt really work, I got the news that im going to be taking 3 drugs with long names, all on the same day. One of those I have to wear home for 2 days. I need to get a picc line as well. Im not excited about the picc because I have an adversion to stitches. I’m trying to research what this all means for my exercise and coaching my sons football team. If anyone wants to chime in with their picc line experiences and wearing this baby bottle chemo home, it would be very appreciated. Im not finding a lot right now, but I’ll keep digging.

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