Lung nodules and surgery

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    Porter….not sure whether it helps to know, but I recall a poster mentioning 6 surgeries for removal of lung nodules. Similar to you, other than the lung metastases he reported of no other problems.
    Expect a tidal wave of good wishes heading your way on the 23rd of this month. Can’t wait to read your posting soon thereafter.



    Porter when you say you need a break? Well, what I say is, “G-d, I know I am considered a chosen person but please stop choosing me all the time!?” Like, are we not allowed to be a teensy selfish now and then? Porter, who will be taking the kiddies? And of course like you wrote, “OY”. It encompasses many things!


    Gosh, well you sure have had your fair share of crap haven’t ya! Oye. Well I am so glad recovery is going well and that you have plans in place. And your thoughts are exactly like mine for my situation. I would like to be done too! This is the third year in a row, even the same time of year I am going in for major surgery. As happy as I am to be able to have surgery, I would like a break! We have shown who’s boss and will continue to do so! Many hugs and prayers and keep us updated! <3


    Well, Porter, this first tumor was the size of a golf ball, wish I had saved Teddy clubs! I had to have a fresh CT of the head the morning of surgery 2 weeks ago. OOPS! A new one the size of a quarter showed up on the opposite side of the brain. I would have accepted a nickel! Both could not be done at that last minute. They are tumors on the Menges which covers the brain and are called Meningioma. Mostly in older women, usually benign and usually slow growing. Not mine, I do things big all the time. The surgery was not bad at all nor after and my GP thinks the Neuro did half a face lift. Well it looks that way and will know more tomorrow. Anyhew, he wants me to see an Oncology radiologist. I think he wants to make sure this one is clean as well and then see what we want to do. My feeling is like your mets, get it out. I just feel if I go through Radiation there is no guarantee it will kill the quarter. And in time perhaps it would met again. Out damn spot! I went home 2 days later and am doing pretty good. On Hydrocodone but I cut the pills in half. I am going to ask tomorrow for something milder. The hydro peps me up so.I am going to wear myself out. Porter, we have to show these intruders who the bosses are, that is us. I can expect things at 75 but I just ache for you as I want you to be done with this KRAP!


    Oh Lainy, you too. Prayers always. My 2 cents, if they can and want to cut it out, GET IT OUT! :) Are you having to go through radiation after these surgeries as well? Hugs and love to you.


    Dearest Porter, you are our strong little girl! I would do exactly as you are doing. I truly believe that the best way to rid ourselves of these unwanted items is to go big and kick them to the curb. I am having my stitches out in the morning and will have to soon make a decision to radiate or cut out again the same type of tumor on the other side. What is helping me the most is it has only been 2 weeks and am not afraid to do it again. Sure don’t know why some of these nasties like us so much, we don’t welcome any of it. I marked my calendar and I will be sending prayers over to you and the day of, I will go in to my cheerleading and as usual the surgery room will be filled with all of us. I so want to see you get the biggest and bestest break ever!!! I am so thinking of you!



    Hoping all goes well with the surgery. You are a strong lady and you will handle this just like you have everything in the past. My thoughts and prayers will be with you. You have your CC family on your side, so you can’t lose. :)

    Love & Hugs,


    Hi all. Here is the newest update on me. I had my cardiothoracic appt on Monday with what I thought I was going into a biopsy consult. It wasn’t. It was a surgery consult. They do believe some of these are mets and most lkely spread of my cc.. We don’t hear of docs going in and cherry picking them out, but in my case this is what they want to do and are confident they can get them out. I do realize that that the recurrence is high and the chance of them coming back and more of them, is highly likely. But for now, I want to go for it and if they want to get those suckers out, let’s do it. I didn’t opt for a biopsy given, what would they point of that be if they are confident they can go in and get them out. I didn’t want to wait and see if these grew on my next scan, and I didn’t want to biopsy, have the path report come back as malignant and then who knows, maybe a surgical option would have been too late at that point. We do know that time is not necessarily on our side. They are feeling pretty confident that these are malignant and want to proceed with surgery. This will start out as a VAT procedure and if they can’t get what they want, they will make the incision bigger and go for a full on thoracotomy. So, this is the 3rd year, and same time–I am going in for major surgery and as blessed as I feel to be given these options, I am scared out of my mind! Surgery is scheduled for Feb 23rd. I will keep you posted as well as my FB will updated as we go. Thanks foundation for being here for all of us. Much love and many prayers to all.

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