My father

Discussion Board Forums In Remembrance My father

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  • #20018

    I am so sorry for the loss of your dad. You’re right – we’re never ready to part with our loved ones, no matter that they’re our parents. I wish you strength in the days ahead –

    My deepest sympathies,


    My father passed away last Thursday, 5/8. He passed away peacefully at home with Hospice care. It’s hard to believe that just last Sunday, he was still sitting in the living room & talking about driving his car. It just came on strong early last week. He stopped eating & was very uncomfortable. His wish was always to die at home in his own bed & we made sure that was honored. He was a strong, honest, moral man who will always be my daddy. Even though he was 86 & we all know we will loose our parents at some point, it doesn’t make it any easier. God bless all of you with this disease & all of you who love & care for those with this disease.

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