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  • #92028

    Dear Virginia,

    Welcome to our group. I am so very sorry for your loss and pain. We see too much heartache with this disease and my deepest sympathies are with you and your husband.

    Please keep in touch.

    Best wishes,


    Dear Virginia,

    Welcome to the discussion boards and thank you so very much for sharing your story. I am so very sorry and saddened about the loss of your baby girl……my words can’t express it enough.

    Please keep us posted with how you are handling chemo and with any updates. We are here to help and support in any way we can. Hugs and prayer sent to you.



    Dear Virginia, WELCOME to our remarkable family and the best place to be for CC support. At 34 years old you have already gone through much more than a human should have to bear, most of all the loss of a child. I have a feeling you now have your own special angel who is going to see and help you through this journey. How are you doing now, any recent scans? You never know how strong you are until “strong” is the only choice you have! Below is a site you may find helpful.

    I hope and pray that the GEM/CIS is working and you get some good news. Please keep us posted on your progress as we truly care. And how thoughtful of you in trying to help others. You are very special.
    P.S. On another note I was born and raised in KCMO. Nice City but my favorite place was Winsteads!


    I thought I would post my story here in case it helps someone. My husband often looked at this website as we were learning about this cancer and how to best proceed. We want to thank you for the useful information that has been posted here.

    I have Stage 2a extrahepatic distal bile duct cancer and am 34 years old. I was healthy prior to this. I was having severe upper right abdominal pain in July. After a trip to the ER, an enlarged choledochal cyst was found during an ultra sound. I then had an MRI which also showed a tumor mass. After that, I had 2 biopsies because they were having difficulty with the pathology. We also sent the specimen to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester which confirmed a poorly differentiated cholangiocarcinoma tumor. I then had oncology and surgery consults at KU Med locally and at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester.

    We proceeded with having a tumor resection in September at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester. They also reconstructed the bile duct and removed my gallbladder and parts of my liver and the enlarged choledochal cyst. I was in an unusual situation because at the time I was pregnant and of course had the health of my baby as my first priority. To make a long story short, the surgery to remove the tumor was successful; however, due to later complications I ended up needing an emergency C-section and we lost our daughter after a few days.

    After surgery, the oncologist and surgeon I saw at Mayo both recommended adjuvant treatment. The oncologist I see locally also recommended adjuvant treatment. With these 2 similar opinions, I was comfortable with moving forward with treatment after surgery.

    In November, I started 3 rounds of gemcitabine/cisplatin chemotherapy and followed that with 25 treatments of radiation. During radiation I also took the chemo pill Xeloda. I’ve just had a month break since radiation ended, and will be starting a total of 3 or 4 more rounds of gemcitabine/cisplatin chemo next week. The oncologist at Mayo did not at first recommend adjuvant radiation, but after speaking with the oncologist and radiologist at KU Med, agreed that it would not hurt to proceed with radiation as well as the chemo.

    In regards to fertility options, I did not preserve my eggs or embryos. I did take a Lupron shot prior to and during chemo, which was recommended by Mayo. However, it is debatable whether or not that helps preserve fertility during chemotherapy. A recent study from October shows it may not help. My oncologist did mention to me recently that gemcitabine/cisplatin are not as toxic as some other chemotherapy drugs and that fertility could still be an option after treatment ends.

    I mention these items in case this experience may be helpful to someone else.

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