RAF-Targeted Therapeutic BGB-283 Shows Early Promise

Discussion Board Forums Clinical Trials RAF-Targeted Therapeutic BGB-283 Shows Early Promise

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    RAF-Targeted Therapeutic BGB-283 Shows Early Promise Against Tumors With BRAF and RAS Mutations

    The Phase I ,interim analyses presented at AARC (American Association for Cancer Research) showed that 31 patients with a variety of types of cancer with BRAF, KRAS, or NRAS had positive response to tumors with BRAF and RAS mutations.

    This Phase I, dose escalation study’s principal goal is to establish the recommended dose and/or schedule of an experimental drug or drug combination for efficacy testing in phase II trials.
    A phase I trial design has many components, including starting dose, dose increment, dose escalation method, number of patients per dose level, specification of dose-limiting toxicity, target toxicity level, definition of the maximum tolerated dose (MTD) and recommended dose for phase II trials, patient selection, and number of participating centers.

    The 31 volunteers included melanoma , colorectal, lung, endometrial, or thyroid cancer patients, but I hope for the Phase II study, which determines overall response to the BGB-283 inhibitor, to include cholangiocarcinoma patients as well.


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