Weight gain and bloating with chemo

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    I also gained weight being on Gem/Cis combo. I think it was definietly a combonation of everything…..the steroids, chemo induced menopause messing with hormones, lack of energy to be as active as I once was, lack of sleep…….and of course my Reeses pnut butter cup diet didn’t help either!!



    Thanks….. doctors don’t give much promise of the kidneys getting better, but they said they are stable….and they are happy with stable.



    Hi Julie, thank you for sharing your experience. I hope that your kidneys get better. All the very best xx


    Hi…..yes, I also had similar side effects to the chemo . I had lost 60 pounds in the year and a half prior to being diagnosed (was dieting…wasn’t the cancer). I had surgery, followed by chemo and the weight gain started. I regained almost all of what I’d lost in the 4 months I was on Gem/Cis. I also had decreased appetite, very bloated feeling . Also did not ever have constipation from the chemo. Nausea was there but manageable and the heartburn continued for quite a long time after chemo ended, even with Prilosec during and after chemo four months. Some of the weight gain may be related to the steroids that some patients are given during infusions. The steroids help with the nausea, but they can cause a lot of weight gain. My kidney function took a hit from the chemo ……..which hasn’t gotten better sinc e being done with chemo now about ayear and a half later.

    I don’t think the weight gain was ever all about the steroids……just not sure what was the total cause…..maybe a combination of everything.

    Julie T.


    Feeling bloated and putting on weight while on chemo the last 4 months.
    I have been feeling very gassy since my chemo infusion last Tuesday also had more heartburn than usual. No major nausea problems. I am not constipated and my kidney function are good. Has anyone experienced these symptoms while on Zem and Cistaplin? Also, even though my appetite has decreased I have put on weight the last 4 months, specially around my waist, tummy and hips. Hence I feel like a fat sausage. Does your metabolism slow down with chemo?

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