Introducing myself…

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Introducing myself…

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    Renee….hello and welcome to our very special club. This foundation formed in 2006 for the reasons you mentioned: little was known about this cancer. Although many questions are still unanswered, we do however benefit from increased research focused on this cancer and witness some incredible, positive responses to presently available treatments. I feel very hopeful for you as well.
    Please share more with us, dear Renee, such as stage of your cancer, which center you are working with and whatever else you can help us understand about your particular case.


    I’m Renee and I’ve been told I have CC. I’m going for a PET Scan on Saturday and will have a discussion with the doctor on May 3rd as to a definite diagnosis and treatment plan. So, at this point, I’m still not sure what’s going on.

    I’m trying to reeducate myself and get connected with like people so I don’t feel so alone. I have a long story that is connected to CC as I was falsely diagnosed with it in 1990. At that time, they did not know hardly anything about the disease and told me I was not going to live very long. What they did discover is that I have primary sclerosing cholangistis. Therefore, this is the second time I’m going through this and I’m praying that the outcome is the same. I will visit again with an update.
    Thanks for listening.

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