Hello from London Uk

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Hello from London Uk

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    Welcome to our group. My mother had a very difficult first round of the gem/cis; we almost stopped treatment. However, once they added more fluids and steroids to her protocol, she was able to tolerate much better. If your husband continues with the chemo, I hope they can adjust the meds to relive his symptoms.

    Best wishes to you and your husband.


    Lydia, welcome to our remarkable family and the best place to be for CC support. Looking forward to hearing more about your husband. Anyone’s experience can be good advice for another’s CC. Take care and wishing you the very best.


    Purdy…glad you popped in and introduced yourself. Please stay in touch.


    Hi Purdy,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry to have missed your post, and sorry that you had to find us all here. But I am glad that you’ve joined in with us here as you so are in the best place for support and help and will get a load of both from everyone here. I too am from the UK, up here in Scotland. Where are you and your husband from and where was diagnosed and being treated? Please feel free to tell us as much or as little as you feel comfortable with and know that we are all here for you always.

    My best to you and your husband,



    Like others, I have been reading for a while now and want to thank you for such a helpful resource. My husband was diagnosed with ICC stage IV in January. He has had some response to chemo but did not tolerate well. I will post more later but just want to say hello.

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