Whipple surgery

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    Great news, everyone is different and Teddy’s was 10 years ago so things go a little differently now thank goodness.


    Thanks for the reply, the doctor did say today they don’t know till they open up but they are feeling optimistic everything will be ok.. He even said they might not touch the stomach because they all feel it’s very early.. He also said its about a 4-5 hour surgery..


    Dear Joseph, welcome to our remarkable family but sorry you had to find us. My husband had a Whipple Surgery and please know that it is a huge surgery BUT not life threatening. He was 73 at the time and I would say a full recovery took him about 3 months. I was pleasantly surprised to see him sitting up in a chair the 2nd day. To begin with he will not be able to eat as he had and we found that “grazing” all day rather than large meals worked well along with Nutritional drinks like Carnation Instant Breakfast. Teddy like the vanilla and I would blend in a banana. This can take the place of a meal or have it with each meal. The get up and go will be slow but all of a sudden one day it is normal again. At the time he had his Whipple they did not follow up with Chemo but some Doctors do that now, it is up to the ONC. They removed the gall bladder, the duodenum and the head of the pancreas. Your Surgeon may tell you they really don’t know much of what is inside until they get there. The surgery was about 8 hours. If you have any questions please feel free to ask away. Wishing your Dad the very best~ Please keep us updated as we truly care.


    Agree, this can be a lonely disease and one of the major reason for development of this site. The kindness, caring and concern of our members is unsurpassed. We are fortunate to have each other to lean on.


    Thanks Marion, it really helps coping when you talk about things and learn.


    Newjersy…..my husband had a resection due to location of his tumor (hilar) whereas your husband’s tumor is lower, stretching to the pancreas. Biliary surgeries are complex and should be performed by a highly experienced physician.

    Recovery varies, the majority of people do rather well within a few days; each day is better than the last, and six weeks post-op (generally) most feel near normal again.

    It seems silly, but one of the most discussed side effects is related to excessive passing of gas. Digestive issues may creep up i.e. low tolerance of fatty foods as well as difficulty with food breaking down, but all is minor and easily worked with.

    Entering “whipple” in the search function retrieved some older posting



    Hello all, i am looking for feedback about this surgery.. My dad was told he is a candidate and is scheduled for the 25th, in 2 weeks.. Please shed some light on what to expect here and what are his chances after this surgery..

    God bless you all and I am praying for all.

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