17 Months after our Son’s Resection- Ascites

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! 17 Months after our Son’s Resection- Ascites

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    Fred….I am sorry to hear this. Resections provide the only path to a cure, however not always does it stop the cancer from returning. Biliary surgeries are extremely difficult to perform and one hopes that only the best of experts attempt these type of invasive procedures. The good news is that only one of the four previous drains is now achieving adequate drainage.
    Peritoneal metastasis from cholangiocarcinoma ae not uncommon, but I would not jump to conclusions and await the outcome of the results.
    I don’t know whether your son has discussed molecular testing on his tumor tissue, but I would consider doing so. It allows for an additional choice of treatment should metastases be confirmed.

    I am sending all my best wishes your way,



    Dear Fred,

    I’m sorry that your son has had such a difficult time even after resection. I understand how heart wrenching it is when your son goes through a serious medical situation like this. When my husband was ill with CC, my mother in law was beside herself with worry.

    I don’t have any experience with a cites developing forllowing resection, but I’m hoping others will post on that point soon. Weekends tend to be very slow on this board, but you should hear from others early this week.

    In my experience, a year and a half with drains post surgery is a very long time. Usually, there is a drain or two draining fluid from the wound site, and maybe another or two from the bile ducts. Typically, they are all finished within a few months, so I’m not sure why your son continued with a bile drain for so long. Did the surgery involve bile duct reconstruction?

    My husband continues to have low platelet count more than 18 months post surgery. That can cause anemia. Perhaps that is also why your son’ has anemia.

    I hope that the a cites fluid tests negative and there is another less serious cause of the acites build up. I’m sure you will get some helpful responses to your post soon.

    Please let us know how your son progresses. All the best to your family,




    Our 44 year old son was diagnosed with cholangiocarcinoma in November 2014 and after chemo and radiation, the tumor was successfully resected in May 2015. In the months since, he has had up to four tubes into his liver or in his abdominal cavity to drain bile. He is now down to one drainage tube. He has gained very little of his weight back and is still lethargic. Over this time, tests and scans have indicated that the cancer has not come back. The good news is that he has been working for the last 14 months.

    This past week after a routine check-up, the Dr admitted him to the hospital for anemia and a distended belly. They gave him a blood transfusion and removed 7 cups of ascites fluid.

    This Monday, we will receive the results of the analysis of the fluid that may have produced as a result of cancer. Doing research, it may be peritoneal cancer. We’ll see.

    Is this common after a resection and is there any advice you can provide?

    Thank You

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