Cancer cells can evade anticancer immune responses

Discussion Board Forums New Developments Cancer cells can evade anticancer immune responses

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  • #12773

    This is all about cancer vaccines. Eventually our cancer may benefit as well.
    Key points:
    What is the immune system?
    Are cancer cells recognized by the immune system?
    What are vaccines?
    What are cancer vaccines?
    How do cancer preventive vaccines work?
    What cancer preventive vaccines are approved in the United States?
    How are cancer treatment vaccines designed to work?
    Has the FDA approved any cancer treatment vaccines?
    How are cancer vaccines made?
    Are adjuvants used with cancer vaccines?
    Do cancer vaccines have side effects?
    Can cancer treatment vaccines be combined with other types of cancer therapy?
    What additional research is under way to improve cancer treatment vaccines?
    What types of vaccines are being studied in clinical trials?

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