Immune-Cell Traps May Aid Cancer Metastasis

Discussion Board Forums New Developments Immune-Cell Traps May Aid Cancer Metastasis

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  • #93564

    Thanks for that as well Marion. I do think that there is so much to be done on Immunotherapy in the coming years and no doubt this will be across a ton of different diseases as well. As with all things research related we so wish that it would all happen sooner!

    Hopefully at least we will get some trial results soon. Hopeful and positive as always here!




    You are welcome, dear Gavin. While speaking to specialist treating HIV patients, she mentioned that the immune system requires to be stimulated but also harnessed as well. We yet have much to learn and given the 900 plus immunotherapy studies currently underway, some of the data will give us clear answers.
    At ASCO 2016 I met with Merck physicians and researchers, who pointed out that immunotherapy trials will include combination with cytotoxic agents, radiation and immunotherapy, surgery and immunotherapy and much more. Clearly, the answers are forthcoming.


    Thanks for that Marion.


    There are still many unanswered questions about the roles of neutrophils, other immune cells, and other actors in the tumor microenvironment in both promoting and suppressing the growth or spread of tumors, Dr. Kaplan cautioned.

    For example, although the finding that NETs might promote metastasis is “quite novel,” she continued, it’s consistent with findings from other studies that have implicated other compounds excreted by cells in the metastatic process, including long non-coding RNAs and small sacs called exosomes.

    To complicate things further, Dr. Egeblad stressed, the available research strongly suggests that neutrophils or macrophages or other factors could aid tumor development in some situations and hinder it in others.

    “It’s very likely that there is a fine balance” between when an immune cell fuels cancer development or inhibits it, she continued—a balance that is influenced by many different factors that researchers are just beginning to understand.

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