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    So sorry about your father, When it comes to the Whipple, I know the word well. My husband had a Whipple almost 3 years ago and had been doing very well. (See Miracle Man …posts by Lainy) In February his CA9-19 started going up monthly but nothing showed until April. The cancer has returned where the duodenum used to be. He had a PET Scan Monday and if there are no other hot spots he will have cyber knife surgery the latest and greatest non invasive surgery. I understand they are also using this on the liver. We have high hopes and you must stay strong. Something new is always just around the corner.


    Sorry, cant help you as I dont have the answers. But I wanted to welcome you to the site and say sorry you had to find us. And JEff is right, your dad does sound strong.

    Best of luck.


    Lilly… 7 mm is very small. Did any of the doctors suggest resection or radiation? I know some individuals have gone back for second resctions depending on location and size. Advocate and push on with positve mind as possible. The fighting is far from over, especially if he recovered and gained weight back After a major whipple surgery. Your Dad sounds like a fighter to me. Removing them little manasties when possible does help in my opinion.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.


    _Hi everyone…my dad was dx in 12/13/07,wipple done in 01/03/08,followed by 5 weeks of radiation and 5FU.he had a month break and than aftr his scan we found out that he had mets to his liver.they were sure about one 7mm,but there was this other lesion that they were not sure,but he started on GEMOX,had his 5th treatment today.he’s doing good,gained all of his weight back,he’s the same that he was when dx.but my biggest concern is that his CA19-9 keeps going up,it has never been this high not even when he was dx.i’m going crazy over this.when i look at him i can’t believe he has this horrible can’t tell he’s sick when you look at him.i know that this chemo he’s one is the strongest one ou there and if this isn’t working waht else is left?i don’t wanna think about it…he’ll have scans on tuesday and i just can’t stop thinking about the worst.I do bellieve in a god of miracles but at this point i’m just not sure if the miracle will happen to my dad.what if god wants to take him?i’m not ready for this.he’s everything to me.i wanted to be in his place….i’m very glad that he’s not in pain and i don’t wanna see that happening.but anyway,does anybody have anything to tell me about the ca19-9 level going up?has anybody experienced that?
    please help..i’ll keep praying for all of us…

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