Does the way we eat raise the chance of getting cancer?

Discussion Board Forums Nutrition Does the way we eat raise the chance of getting cancer?

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  • #20587

    Hi Stacie, thanks for your reaction. In the meantime we also found some books over “eating anti-cancer”. You are right, cooking starts again with the simple, basic things. No colouring or preservatives, no packages as a basis for soups or sauces as they contain lots and lots of sugar and additives. We eat lots of fresh vegetables and fruits (however, we allways have done that) and totally skipped sugar and sweets. We are on this foodprogramme now for 3 weeks.
    Nevertheless, Peter is having a nasty fever attack at this moment, and I hope that with an antibiotic cure he will once more come out of that.
    Thanks again and greetings,



    I agree that nutrition is critical. When I was spending my days researching for Mark, nutrition just kept popping it’s head up everywhere I looked. It was difficult to deny that it was a key player, although I believe there are many keys. We spent an enormous amount of money working with a well known naturopath who gave us a diet, that didn’t make much sense to me, but as I started to research it made perfect sense. Our family eats this way today and I’ve posted that diet a couple of times on the discussion boards. If you can’t find it just e-mail me.

    Basically eat the way it was created, as much as possible. It was easy for me to make this change as I did all the research, but it was another thing for Mark. Eating was painful for him and he didn’t often feel hungry, but when he did – brown rice and fresh veggies didn’t have a lot of appeal.

    One of the books I like the best was called “Nourishing Traditions” now that said, they call it the bible of good nutrition and it’s about as big as the bible, but it is absolutely filled with research on nutrition and for me, I want to read the research. It is also filled with recipes that are based on the research. I think that accounts for it’s size.

    Eat well!



    For me personally, it is very good to be on this forum. I have a tremendous admiration for all patients and caregivers who come here and share knowledge and feelings. It helps to keep me strong and be optimistic and a support for Peter, who by the way seems to need less support than I do. His is strong by nature.
    I also would like to give a big hug to the moderators. There are a lot I feel warmly towards, but Jeff …. you really stole Peter and my hearts.
    Thanks everyone :)


    Hi Iris… Thanks for your post about diet. Your absolutley correct in my opinion. I feel high protien, high fiber, high calorie count, high potassium, ect. helps tremendously. I’ve had mets to both lungs for over six years and still chopping wood. I feel longevity can be lost if you don’t take that extra step to keep your body pumped up with the good stuff. Oh, I go astray from time to time with my diet but most of the time Eat what is needed. I also feel a couple drawbacks to maintaing the weight and body strength is not exercising and not taking anti nausea medicines when needed. Personally the more I feel nausea the more I eat and you have to keep telling yourself eat and drink and don’t lay around. You have to interact and socialize with people to keep your mind healthy as well. Iris , I’m so happy to see Peter taking a strong positive approach. It really does work. Although we know many variables come in to play for each individual; Like aggressiveness of cancer, Individual response to different trearments, and how soon it is diagnosed, doing all the above is certainly helpful in keeping the bunny battery energized. Thanks for the reminder.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.


    Hi Iris,
    My husband Butch and I – and many, many others on this board – are very interested in nutrition as a means of curing cancer. We have been using Patrick Quillin’s book – “Beating Cancer with Nutrituin”. Since March, when he was diagnosed. Between the time we were diagnosed and we went to Mayo (about 3 weeks), the tumor grew – about a centimeter. The prediction was dire from Mayo. We went to Pittsburgh last week (6 weeks later), and the tumor has grown only a tiny little bit. He had 3 weeks of chemo in there, but – how much was attributable to the change in eating habits? We don’t know, but – I am going to get the book you mentioned also – I have to believe that our eating patterns make a difference. Thanks for the info.



    Hi everybody,
    Some time ago I introduced myself on this board and told about my husband Peter. Diagnosed in May 2007, surgery broken off and a life prediction of 2-3 months.
    Since now, July 2008, he is still doing great (though there are signs the cancer is spreading to the lungs now), we have become greedy and opt for at least another year of quality life.

    In this respect, Peter started to read about cancer and he came across a very interesting book by Dr. David Servan-Schreiber. The title is “Anticancer”. This dr. in psychiatry had brain tumors twice, and after the second time he started investigating everything he could lay his hands on regarding cancer. He comes to very interesting conclusions regarding our Western eating pattern and the chance of getting cancer.

    Peter (who is a chemist by profession) is finding a lot in this book that makes it worthwhile for him (for us) to try and turn around the way we were eating. I have no idea yet, whether it brings us anything. But at least it is a very healthy way of eating and it can at least make his body stronger to fight longer.

    I wanted to tell this to you all. It doesnot cost anything and we may win time with it. I’ll keep you informed.

    Love and strength to all of you,

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