Rare Disease Legislative Update

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    Capitol Hill Updates

    Congress returns to Capitol Hill this week with a potential crisis over government funding looming. The government is currently funded on a Continuing Resolution (CR) or stopgap measure until a longer-term agreement can be reached for the remainder of the fiscal year. This means that Congress must reach an agreement with the White House by Friday or much of the federal workforce will be furloughed until a deal can be brokered. Some analysts believe that President Trump may use this opportunity to force a compromise on healthcare reform proposals and tax reform. However, with Republicans still split on both issues, a funding agreement and compromise on tax and healthcare reform by the week’s end seems unlikely.

    Across the U.S. and in many cities around the world, scientists and concerned citizens gathered to participate in the March for Science. In Washington, DC, thousands turned out to call on elected officials to make science a higher priority in the nation to ensure that research is fully funded and that science remains an indispensable part of the public policy process.

    The Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee is scheduled to vote today on the nomination of Dr. Scott Gottlieb to be the next Commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). During the Committee’s hearing on the nomination earlier this month, many Democrats expressed concern about Dr. Gottlieb’s past work with industry. However, it is widely expected that the committee vote will garner enough votes to proceed to the Senate floor for a final confirmation vote, which has not yet been scheduled.

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