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    Thank you Lisa for joining this forum and sharing your story. It takes strength and determination! I was in the same situation with my mom, and the intensity of emotions and panic was high. Immediately, I came to a place to help her manage this condition. Of course it’s a challenge, but that’s no excuse to not participate or give up. I consider each day and month that goes by as a success. It has gotten to a point of not thinking years, but a month and day at a time. No one can predict the future, but the only thing you can control is participate and be present to ensure she gets the best care possible.

    Try to get 2-3 opinions on treatment plans and go with the best you feel through research and your mom’s overall health. Don’t overlook palliative care starting now. You can do a search on our forum. Offer her great support, nutrition, and make sure she is reminded of what she loves in life or makes her happy.

    Keep us posted!


    Lisa….a positive attitude is a powerful tool and especially helpful when confronted with cancer.



    Hi Marion & Catherine. Thank you for your kind words and information. As much of a rollercoaster this has been so far I know my mom is a fighter with a great support system so I am optimistic.



    Dear Lisa,

    I’m sorry, that like my family, your Mom has been diagnosed with this disease. However. is sounds like the doctors have a plan, and ideally it will lead to a successful surgery. On the inspiration” side, I would just offer that the statistics for this disease can be depressing to look at. Please if you do look, know that they convey this is a serious disease, but not as dim as they would suggest. Just in the past 4 years, many more treatment options and successes are happening. My mother’s prognosis (she couldn’t have surgery) was 12 months but she is doing great at almost 4 years.

    There is hope and I wish the best for your family,



    Ln899….welcome. You have come to the right place. All of our members are experts and gladly will help you understand and support you in this journey.

    Your Mom is receiving a procedue called Portal Vein Embolization or PVE for short.
    With this type of procedure doctor’s will block of the portal vein so that it shrinks while the other part of the liver grows within usually withthe next 2 to 6 weeks.

    Once the intended liver has grown sufficiently as surgical resection will be considered.

    Hope this helped. Please keep us informed we are here to help and we are in this together.



    Hi everyone. My name is Lisa. We just found out the Friday before mother’s day that my 63 year old mom has bile duct cancer. We are going through strong memorial/university of Rochester medical in Rochester,ny. She had a bile tube put in last week. We just found out that she goes Friday to have her liver tied off so that it kills the bad part and the good part grows. Hopefully 6 to 8 weeks after that she can have surgery to get this cancer out of her.

    Any thoughts, inspiration, information or anything is appreciated. Looking forward to learning as much as I can.

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