So many questions???

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion So many questions???

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    Wow, I’m am shocked that there were no symptoms in the abdomen, bilirubin, itching, jaundice … all those symptoms you hear about with this disease. How shocking it must have been for you to have gone from a sever migraine to such an advance stage of cancer. It just goes to show that you know your body better than any doctor and that one should never give up if something doesn’t seem right.
    My heart goes out to the young daughter. It sounds like you are there to help her and you can be a comfort to each other.
    May you find comfort and with family and friends. God Bless


    Dear John and Mary,
    Please, accept my deepest condolences for the loss of your dear Kristina. It is heartbreaking to know for another CC patient having to join those we loved so dearly and who also had to succumb to this disease. Unfortunately, there are no early warning signs for this disease and generally it is discovered at a very advanced stage as it was in Kristina


    Dear JohnMary,
    Unfortunately I have no answers for all your good questions. I just wanted to express my sincere sympathies to you. You certainly have alot to adjust to in such a short time. There is a saying that the good die young. Maybe if you hold this thought in your heart the hurt will be ever so slightly less. Prayers for you and your family.


    Kristina was just 37 years old. In mid-March she starting getting severe headaches. She was accustomed to having migraines so thought it was just a bad migraine. When she went to the doctor he confirmed that he thought it was just a bad migraine. But they continued and no pain reliever could get rid of them. At another visit to the doctor she was prescribed nose spray thinking she had a sinus headache. Her headaches radiated from the lower back portion of her head along the sides of her head to the front. Not like any migraine or sinus headache. The headaches prevented her from celebrating her daughter

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