Documentary to be viewed on Discovery channel

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    Just wanted to let you know or remind you to watch the First In Human series on Discovery Channel that airs on Thursday the 10th. Dr. Rosenberg and Dr. Stephanie Goff are two of my doctors out at NIH and will be talking about the TIL treatment or Adoptive Cell Therapy that has made such a huge difference in my survival of cholangiocarcinoma! Amazing people, amazing research!


    Thank you Beatriz for posting the video!



    I saw a CBS special “Beyond Cancer” where Dr. Rosenberg was discussing the trial you went in. Here it is


    I am excited to watch this, I have been hearing about it all year. I look forward to seeing Dr. Rosenberg, Dr. Goff and some of the awesome staff that cared for me the past five years I have been a patient at NIH. It truly is an amazing place! I remember an amazing research scientist told me one day with tears in his eyes that they learn from all the patients, not just the success stories. He was grateful for the patients who chose to participate in clinical trials and advance research.



    For more than a year, Discovery was embedded in the NIH Clinical Center capturing the challenges faced in developing cutting edge science to diagnose and treat diseases. Showcasing the innovative work taking place within the NIH Clinical Center, the documentary provides an in-depth look at the reality of experimental medicine, and the courageous volunteer patients who take part in the first-in-human trials to test safety and effectiveness.

    First in Human, which features the real-life experiences of patients, their families, doctors, researchers, staff, and caregivers at the NIH Clinical Center, the nation’s largest hospital devoted entirely to clinical research. Airing on three sequential Thursday evenings on August 10, 17, and 24, at 9:00 p.m. ET/PT on Discovery

    read more:


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