cholangio inherited?

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    I had never read that it might be inherited either. The reason I ask was because of a solicitation for money to do a study to see if it is inherited. I believe it can thru this site.


    Hi Ben,

    Just to echo what Mary has said to you about this in that there is no evidence that CC is inherited so please try not to worry about this, if you are worrying about it that is. I’ve read a load of stuff over the years about CC and have never came across anything re it being inherited.

    Best wishes,



    Hi Ben,

    Cholangiocarcinoma is not considered a disease that is inherited. Below is a site that explains this. It does say that family members may have an increased risk. I have read anecdotally about one or two cases where two persons in the same family had CCA, but such cases seem very rare.

    I am not a science person, but it seems to me that in a case where two family members share an illness, the question is out there whether there is a genetic factor or something else that is shared, such as an environmental factor, for example, the CCA cases related to raw fish consumption in Asia.

    Regards, Mary


    Is there any evidence that shows cholangiocarcinoma is inherited?

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