The CDR aka Barb

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    Dear Katie,
    Please pass along my condolences as well. I am so sorry to hear of her passing. But we know that she has passed into life eternal. Luis will have his own special saint praying for him in Heaven. God bless you all.
    Much love,


    We are all so saddened by Barb’s passing – she was a ray of light and laughter on this board. She must have been even more so in real life! I am so glad she had you and the rest of her family and friends to support her – I know she really felt blessed.
    All my love goes out to you and Luis and hopes for healing.
    Joyce M


    Thank you KAtie for coming here and letting us know how things are going. I am particularly glad to hear news of Luis. Barb always wrote about him and you could tell he was the light of her life and he was her main worry. I understand that there will be difficult times ahead, but I know (through Barbs posts) that your family has the strength and the love needed to get through this time and help Luis with his grief and adjusting.

    I am very sorry for your loss and I will keep Barbs family in my thoughts and prayers.



    Dear Katie,

    From what I’ve read about Barb and read on her posts, she must have been a unique person with such a zest for life even throughout her battle with cc. I pray that Luis and your family have comfort and peace in your hearts during the time ahead.

    My prayers for you,


    I am Barb’s sister in law Katie. Sad news Barb passed away early Wednesday morning in her sleep. The last week took a toll on her with vomiting and pain. We know she is pain free and at peace although she is missed and leaves an huge hole in our lives. She fought with dignity and grace beyond measure. Hospice is a wonderful loving service and well as people who deliver commuion. Her son Luis seems to be adjusting to life with Peggy and family. He is surround by care and support.
    I have learned so much from all of you and how this terrible thing overtakes lives- thank you for sharing your experiences.
    God bless everyone dealing with cancer and thier caregivers.

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