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  • #22363


    It takes a lot to recover from this surgery so try not to have any regrets, you need to be strong to be able to handle further treatment. Going up against this cancer is like entering a prizefight, you have to be up and ready for every round. It sounds like you have a lot of people in your corner, I’m putting my money on you vs. cholangio.



    Hi Jenn. I hope treatment is successful. You have my best.


    Hi Jenn… I think I already posted about your trial and look forward to seeing a positive results for you. I know you can think of more funfilled organizations to be a member of, but I welcome you as well and want you to know there is so much experience and support among members of this site, it’s great.

    Wishing and Praying Only the Best,
    Jeff G.


    Hello Jenn, Welcome to this site. You are so young to have this awful disease. I pray for strength and guidance for you and your family. Have you had any treatment after surgery? Why are they starting you on an experimental protocol?

    God Bless


    Welcome, Jenn.
    But DARNIT, Why did you get this cancer?! You’re too young!

    I hope and pray the treament is effective.



    I am a 37 year old wife and mom. I have a wonderful husband, who is my best friend. He has always been a great husband, but once I got sick he has amazed me. We have two children, daugher 9, and son 5; they are my pride and joy. I am so lucky to be able to enjoy the small things that so many people overlook. God has shown me his comfort in ways that I could have ever imagined.

    I was finally diagnosed in May of 08, and had a liver resection May 23, 2008. The liver resection did not come back with clean margins, and it showed lymph node involvement. I have spent the summer enjoying my kids, and gaining strength. They did not start me on chemo right away, that was probably a mistake. But I can’t go back and I can’t change it now. I will begin taking the experimental drug AZD6244 next week, and pray that it prevents the spread of this monster. I am hoping that it won’t have the sideeffects that chemo has, so I can stay active and be very involved at my kids school.

    Thank you for this great site.

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