Husband diagnosed with CC

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Husband diagnosed with CC

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    Hi Vickey,

    I am glad your husband is responding to treatment. I am hearing more & more of the relationship to the liver flukes in VietNam & other Asian countries. For those of us that have dealt with & are still dealing with CC it is already too late, but if enough of us keep getting the word out maybe we can help others. As for the genetic issue, I have been told that it is “more than likely” not the case, however, my sons & I have been questioning that also. Vickey, good luck to you & your husband. Please keep us updated as to his progress.



    Hi Vickey… interesting that your husband has multiple primary cancers. My familty has suffered in the same way. Have the docs considered a familial genetic issue that could be “causing” the cancers?

    I know you will be going through a nightmare… hang in there!


    It sounds like your husband is really responding to treatment. What wonderful news.



    You’re the second person to mention liver flukes that were possibly picked up in Vietnam.

    I’m so sorry that your husband is suffering from cancer. But I do welcome you to our site.


    My 58 yr. old husband’s CC was found by accident. He was diagnosed with a completely unrelated bladder cancer in February. The CC was discovered during an MRI that was just to check and see if the bladder cancer had spread. The biopsy of the liver tumor (quite large) showed that it was CC. The two of the cancers together is extremely rare!!! We firmly believe that the CC was caused from liver flukes from Vietnam. They have been treating his cancers with a combination of Gimzar and Carbo. The tumor is shrinking and dead in the center. This was unexpected. Neither cancer is operable since the bladder cancer went to the bone. My husband is beginning to gain some weight and feeling better. No hair loss and none of the ususal vomiting. (Thanks in part to good meds) Thank you for the welcome. I am sure I will have plenty of questions. Please do not hesitate with advice either.


    Vickey…..I would like to follow Lainy in welcoming you to our site. (The one no one wants to be on although, the one which enables us to support each other each and every step of the way.) Please, ask the questions coming from your heart…this is a great place to do so.


    Welcome, even though I hate to say it! Yes, you have come to the right site for messes! What is happening now with procedures as far as your husband’s case is concerned? You will find a whole lot of knowledgeable and sympathetic
    souls here. Please tell us about your husband.


    My husband was diagnosed with CC in February 2008. His CC was found by accident during an MRI to see if his unrelated bladder cancer was spreading. Yes…..A double whammy for us! What a mess.

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