Teddy Update and Letter Reminder

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    God bless you and Teddy. I can’t imagine how difficult it is for you. I’m thinking about you and loving you both.


    No, no infections just that this nephrosis tube has to be change every 3 months or he could get an infection. Also still waiting to hear from the radiologist on the scheduling of the cyberknife. Thank you for the kind words.


    Hi Lainey, Your a kind and strong and very caring person. It does choke you up to see someone in such agony, especially when your Teddy has been there. It really hits home and makes you wonder, if they ‘ll be able to handle things or lose ground quickly from complications. I commend you on being a trooper and giving them encouragement. Sometimes that is all we need to keep going. Does Teddy have any ifection problems with the stents? I guess some people do and some seem okay with them. Well, off and running ,got a couple errands to do.

    Bless you Guys!
    Jeff G.


    Yesterday Teddy had the stint changed in the right kidney (kidney problem caused by cancer mass pushing the ureter and crimping it) and we found out he will have to do this every 3 months, probably forever. So, we are waiting in the pre-op room and in comes a couple and the man is so jaundiced! Then I heard the doctor telling him they are going to put in a bile stint and he will be wearing a bag until his Whipple surgery. I had to turn my back as I started tearing up. I did go up to them and tell them my husband went through this and he came out ok and the wife wanted to talk with me later but I never saw her again. I mean, what is the chance of this happening? I could not believe it.
    To see someone else like that really stirred up the old bad memories.
    On this note we only have a few more days for the letters to come in. Honestly at this point we do not have enough support and if we do not get quite a few more letters we will just hold them for awhile and perhaps try again later. As a reminder, send 1 page to me (caretakers) or Sophie (patients).

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