Great Letters Take a Peek

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  • #1548

    As of today I have 21 letters from patients and caretakers. I have not ever read such Beautiful (if I can call them that) letters in all my life. I want to thank all of you, wish I could thank-you in person!!! Wish I had a cure! Wish I could make wishes come true. We still have a few days left and need some more letters for the BIG impact. Just e mail your 1 page letter to me and the letter can be from family and friends also. I want to thank, with all my heart the following letter writers:
    Sophie M, Susan C, Kris J, Lisa R, Jennifer W, Jeff G, Hollie M, Heather P, Barbara D, Carrie Ann B, Mercedes, Carol P, Karen B, Pauline, Joyce C, Joyce M,
    David W, Patricia C, Darla, Barbara H. Oh and me.

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