Letters to Oprah Show

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    Or….CNN Paging Dr. Gupta??? I am not sure as I get the internatioanl edition of cnn so I might just be wrong about what he does.

    Perhaps do several places under the “September is Liver Cancer Awareness Month” and we are sort of, not really, but kinda a liver cancer. I wonder if someone should contact KAtie Curic or some nightly news person (on the heels of Stand UP 2 Cancer) about not us as patients, but as a foundation and what its mission is. I think that Stacie, her family, and the board members have turned their family’s tragedy into something so wonderful and special that will make a REAL difference to this cancer. The Foundation itself is in many ways more inspirational than our stories as patients and caregivers. I think that a letter about the foundation during Liver Cancer Awareness Month to the news programs would be well received.


    Goodness, time has flown and I just realised it is the end of September…how did that happen. But maybe we could keep this in mind for next year.


    Good idea, but perhaps we should do one at a time? I do have copies so anything is possible! What do others think? Let’s get some feedback.


    Lainy, have you thought about sending the letters to Ellen DeGeneres?


    I need to you e mail me your letter today or tomorrow as I am mailing in the envelope Monday. I was going to do it Friday but got the flu instead. E Mail your 1 page letter to me at the e mail below my name. Thanks a bunch! Every letter helps and that gives us 35!!!


    I would love to participate as I have scoured the internet for a way to bring awareness to this horrific cancer. No one seems to know anything about it. In fact, the insurance company told my Mom that the doctor had the wrong diagnosis since there wasn’t a “code” for it!!!!!!!!!! It took quite a few letters and many phone calls to get them to acknowledge her treatment and doctor visits. In fact when I applied for Family Medical Leave, my home office said that they had never heard of if and proclaimed it must be a self diagnosis!! Angry, hurt, saddened, I fought along with the doctor to be able to stay home to care for my Mom.
    Along with the pain and suffering of the patients they have to go through many explanations and the expense is diminishing everything she has worked hard for. My Mom went through 16 months of chemotherapy and then discovered the treatment was not working anymore and then you come to the end of the road. There fight and strong will is just taken from them in a matter of days. I hope this will help bring some awareness and some day we can have walks and sponsored benefits for this not so uncommon any more type of cancer. A loving daughter’s plea.


    I have been collecting patient and caregiver letters to send to the Oprah Show.
    It is one way of trying to get cholangiocarcinoma out in the open and eventually raise funding for research on testing and who knows, perhaps some day a cure. I have received 34 letters and was going to mail them this afternoon. If you like I can wait until I get your letter today to add to the bunch. Welcome to our group.


    I am new to the website, please tell me more about the letters to Oprah. My mom has been undergoing chemotherapy for 16 months, and they have decided that it isn’t working anymore and she is now under Home Hospice care. Thanks


    While Teddy is watching the Packers, I know some of you are not watching sports tonight so it would be a good time to send in your letter to me for the Oprah Show if you have not done so. We are up to 23 letters and my goal was
    30. Please help me reach my goal, I only need 7 more!!! We have a few more days as I am awaiting the cover letter from the Board Member. This IS going to happen and will be mailed out this week. GO PACK!!! Like Coach Vince Lombardy said, “Winning isn’t everything, its the only thing!” And we WILL win!

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