pain in left kidney

Discussion Board Forums Pain Management pain in left kidney

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    Hi Barb D., Metastasis could be the culprit. Also after a two day ordeal in the hospital, I discovered that fluid retention build-up can cause incredible pain in that area, to the point of not being able to walk without causing pain. Regular x-rays can determinr fluid retention. In my case it was being monitored and treated with lasix for approximately four months. It was thought there was not enough fluid to cause any significant pain. Well, after they drained what did not look like much, 1 1/2 liters, the pain went from 9-10 down to 1-2 in the lower back kidney area. Just to much fluid creating to much pressure on so many nerves. Just one suggestion to keep an eye on or check out. Fluid retention can be caused by the disease.



    Barb…my husband experienced pain in his lower back also. We were told that it was due to the metastasis and he was given pain medication which he responded to quite well. Have you discussed this with his physician?


    My Dad was diagnosed in Aug/08. He’s elected to not have the surgery and the dr. is taking a “wait and see” approach as far as treatment goes, which my Dad is in favour of. He’s been basically pain free until today…and is now having pain in his left lower back – seems to be in the kidney area. Has anyone experienced this symptom?

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