Hi , diagnosed three years ago. Had an acute pancreatitis in Nov..

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Hi , diagnosed three years ago. Had an acute pancreatitis in Nov..

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  • #23606

    Hi Patt,

    Welcome to the site but I am sorry that you have to be here. I can’ t really add anything to what has been said to you, but I just wanted to join in with Marion, Lainy and Julia in welcoming you here.

    Glad to see that you have joined us all on here after having visited the site before. My dad was diagnosed in 2008 and I came here about the same time, and that was the best thing that I could have done at the time. Everyone here gave me a ton of support, and I know that you will get the same support and help from everyone here. Keep coming back Patt, you are not alone or isolated no more.

    My best wishes to you,



    Hi to Lalupes,Lainy and Marions-My thanks for making me feel welcome. I havevisited the site before but finally signed in.

    The support and good thoughts shine through all of your words.
    Just to k now that one is not an isolated case in which you feel as if sometimes , physicians do not respond to symptoms which you are experiencing. Best wishes . patt


    Hello, Patt – I’m sorry I can’t add anything on this occasion but I wanted to come on & welcome you to this wonderful site.

    You’ll get loads of input & helpful information here.

    My best wishes


    Hi Patt, and Welcome to our Wonderful Family. My husband had a Whipple 4 1/2 years ago at the age of 73. You can find us under “lainy”. He also was told that for where and how he had it that chemo/radiation would would not be for him either. It returned 1 1/2 years ago where the duodenum used to be and we zapped it with cyber knife. He now has 2 more small tumors that we are working on. With a Whipple the digestive tract is never the same again although he has not had ulcers he really gets some hefty tummy upsets which are usually caused by eating things he should not be eating. Other wise he has done quite well for his age. He golfs and worked part time up to a year ago. It does sound like you are doing well so keep up the good work and please keep us posted.


    Hello Pat and welcome to our site. Ulcers appear to not be uncommen in fact, we have numerous discussions about this. You may find it by using the “google” search function, top, right-hand side of page. Simply, enter “ulcers.” Are you presently taking any ant-acids?
    Others may come along with some more info for you.
    I am glad that you have found us, Pat.
    Best wishes,


    Hi, diagnosed 3 years ago. Had an acute pancreatitis in Nov. 2009 DRs indicated that because amylase and lipase were normal 5 days after that it could not be pancreatitis. I Had a Whipple shortly after diagnosis and have been quite well . However I am very fatigued and recently found to have bleeding ulcers. Of course ,a relapse or recurrence immediately come to mind. I did not have chemo or radiation because it was considered not to have been effective for me. This is my first post and I do appreciate the input from from all of you. Than you, patt b

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