my grandfather

Discussion Board Forums In Remembrance my grandfather

  • This topic has 3 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 18 years ago by kap.
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    I am so sorry for your loss, Kelly. Everyone on this site can relate to your grief and we feel your pain since we are all going through similar situations ourselves. Be happy that he died at home the way he wanted, with dignity, and let your memories get you through the hard days. Cancer is such a dreadful disease, and so little is known about cc. Hopefully what our families and friends are going through will pave the way to knowledge for treating it and hopefully curing it in the future.


    Your grandfather’s end seems very like my husbands, who also simply drifted away, without pain. Until very close to the end he was in touch with the family and able to talk to us. The oncologist of a friend says that compared to other cancers, liver cancers are usually relatively pain free, which is something to be thankful for.

    M had a cancer nurse who visited him regularly. One of the things she said over and over again, was that he had one major thing in his favour in the fight against this disease, he had no pain! Once there is pain, then it is very difficult to do anything as the pain takes over.

    I never realised how important this was to us -the survivors- that he had a pain free death but so many people told us horrible stories of their own loved ones, that we have come to see how fortunate my husband and we were in this respect.


    Kelly – so very sorry about your grandfather. Wish I could say more but it is too painful since we have been given a very short time frame also. I keep praying that one day I will walk in from work and Sam will be his old self and completely healed.
    I miss the days when he was healthy so much. My best to all of your family; you will be O.K.; God made that promise and he shares your pain with you.


    My grandfather passed away of this horrible disease on june 15, 2006. HE was surrounded by his family and friends. He had been doing relatively well up until about 2 weeks before he passed away. He had gone to the grocery store by himself, he drove himself and had a wreck on the way home. No one was hurt, but that was really the start of his decline. A few days later he went out to check his garden in the backyard and he fell and was outside for an hour before anyone found him. My grandmother was sick with a virus and was asleep. She didn’t even know he was outside. My parents stopped by to check on him and they found him in the backyard. A few days later he fell 3 times in one day trying to get to the bathroom. After that I think he just gave up. He didn’t want to live like that and I think he just quit fighting it. The doctors told him he had 2 weeks to live in Feburary 06 but he lived another 4 months. THe first day that he didn’t get out of bed all day and get dressed we knew the end was near. The Sunday before he died Me, my husband and daughter were able to talk with him for a while and that was the last time he was truly awake. The next day Monday, hospice brought out oxygen and said he needed to be on that. tuesday they delivered a hospital bed so we could try to make him a little more comfortable-he couldnt lie flat on his back the pain was too great. Wedneday Morning hospice asked that the family be called in so our entire family was with him all day on wednesday and most of the night. He passed away on thursday afternoon at 3:45 very quietly and with dignity just like he wanted. He was breathing one minute and then he wasn’t. There was no noise or gasp. Just peace. We had his funeral on saturday and it was the most difficult day of my life. My grandfather touched a lot of lives and he will be missed greatly. I can still hear his voice and we were all joking at his funeral how he would have hated all the flowers. He thought they were a waste of money! He had a great sense of humor. This website has brought a great deal of comfort to my family and I in this difficult time and I wanted to share our experience. Thank you so much. Kelly

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