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  • #24729

    Dear Chris,
    Please accept my sympathy on the loss of your wife – and sympathy for your daughter and your family and wonderful support system. It seems they’ve lost a truly remarkable lady, but the gift of love she gave will always be with you.
    Joyce M


    I know nothing can really help the pain right now but I am so very sorry for your loss. I lost my husband John on Nov.23.

    It is the hardest thing in the world to lose your spouce. Please come here for support. Without all of these wonderful people who KNOW our pain, it would be even harder to survive the loss

    All my love to you and your daughter at this time and yes I do believe our loved ones are in Heaven.

    Gods Blessings on all of us,


    ChrisA.. My sincere condolences, not doubt LainyA is in the beautiful eternal home of heaven.
    God Bless,


    I remember LainyA’s posts…sassy and determined comes to mind. I dont know where to find it now that the boards have been revamped, but I remember her response to someone who asked her her prognosis and she turned around and said “Whats yours?”

    I actually think about that response and her often and I have searched several times to see if she had posted again and how she was doing. I am so sorry that it wsa Elaine’s death that brought you here today.

    She sounds like an incredible woman and what a blessing you two had to find it each and share your love. I will say a prayer for you and your family and please feel like you can come here for support. I am sorry for your loss.



    Dear Chris, definitely believe that Elaine is in Heaven now. What a wonderful wife to you and mother to Isabel. I’m sure she was a special woman to a lot of people. Praying God’s comfort for you and your daughter.



    We are very sorry to hear of the passing of your beloved wife and mother. How fortunate you all were to share something that many people never come to know in a longer lifetime. With strength and honor Lainy smiled at the uncertain future. I like to think she has just left the room and is still right there with you and Isabel. Our heartfelt thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. From another Elaine A.(Lainy) & Teddy.



    I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Your story was a fine tribute to her as a loving wife & mother. It is so hard to lose a loved one & especially so young. My husband was 62 when he passed away from CC & even though we were together longer than her short life, I still felt cheated. It sounds like both you and Elaine had a wonderful life & a good attitude. Nothing I can say or do will bring here back, but know that she will live forever in the hearts of you, your daughter & all that knew & loved her. She is now in a better place & free of all the pain & suffering.

    Chris, I will keep both you & Isabel in my thoughts & prayers.




    What a beautiful and loving tribute to your wife Elaine. Although your time together was way too short it seems that a great deal of love was shared. Your wife leaves a wonderful legacy to you and your daughter Isabel of what it truly means to have not only lived a wonderful life, but a life full of the things that really matter. She sounds like a wonderful spouse and mother.

    Please know that you and your daughter will be in my thoughts and prayers today and during this very difficult time in your lives.




    I am so sorry to hear your dear wife was taken from you and your daughter. It sounds like she was a true fighter with a lot of people in her corner. I will pray for you and Isabel.

    Please keep checking in with us, there is a lot of love here, I lost my mom to cc and the grieving support section of the discussion board has kept me going on many days.



    My wife Elaine (LaineyA) often visited these discussion boards, so I thought it appropriate to forward a note I wrote for her coworkers:

    It saddens me to report to you the death of my wife Elaine. She passed away late Tuesday afternoon, amonth after her 41st birthday due to complications with cancer. Elaine never contemplated death; her wisdom was to concentrate on putting her life to its greatest purpose. With this in mind, I want to pass on a part of our story.

    Elaine was my high school sweetheart. Now, we have been married for 17 years and have a beautiful daughter, Isabel, 8 years old. The three of us have a blessed life: we loved and enjoyed each other; we took wonderful trips together; we liked living near both of our families; we liked our careers and our coworkers. We have a supportive church family. Isabel likes her school and her friends from Express Cheer and Brownies.

    Nearly two years ago, Elaine was diagnosed with an aggressive and rare cancer; we searched everywhere for the best possible care. All of the cards, flowers, meals and outpouring of help reminded us what we really needed was at home. She never believed that God willed her cancer, and she never gave up.

    Elaine believed in a Heaven. We trust that she is there now.

    With my Warm Regards,
    Chris Allison

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