This may become a comfort zone:)

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! This may become a comfort zone:)

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    Tiffany…Although, you have already received a wonderful welcome from the great members of this site I would also like to chime in by extending my warmest wishes to you. If I might as, where are you being treated, presently? Also, I assume for you to have had several opinions on which the current protocol was based on. I am so glad for you to have found us and again, the warmest welcome to you.


    Hello Tiffany and welcome to the best little club in the world that no one wishes to join. It sounds like you are doing ggood and we are all happy about that. I do believe that you are the youngest person we have had on the site. Of course we don’t know all the ages but it seems you are. Sounds like your “cocktails” are working well. This is a superb spot to ask questions, vent and even joke. This has to be a board with the most brave, caring, loving people in the world! Please keep us posted.


    Hi Tiffany,

    Welcome! You have definately found a comfort zone. This site & the people on it are the best. They are all very knowledgeable and supportive. I am so sorry that you have had to come here, but there is no better place to help you deal with this terrible cancer. Everyone here knows what you are going through as they have been or are there too. Come back as often as you need to for help, support or just to vent. I am so sorry that you are having to deal with this, especially at such a young age. Know that we are all here for you if you need us.



    Hi tif_anne13, thanks for introducing yourself. I just wanted to let you know that my boyfriend is only 29 and was diagnosed with CC in Novemeber 2008. I really wish the best for you and I want you to know that there are wonderful people here.

    I wondered also if your doctors mentioned the possibility of having radiation or did you not opt for that treatment? Sounds like your chemo is really helping your situation, I hope for more positive posts!

    -Saracita in NJ


    Hi everyone, My name is Tiffany Im twenty five and was diagnosed with cholangiocarcinoma in July of 2008. My doctors determined it was inoperable and chemo was the best move forward. I started out on gemzar and cisplatin on a three week cycle. In Nov of 2008 I was checked and it was not spreading. My docs then switched me to gemzar and xeloda, Im going into my fourth cycle with the new cocktail and feeling ok. I have missed every second week dose of gemzar due to my blood counts.

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