Yay, Social Security Disability comes through!

Discussion Board Forums Insurance Yay, Social Security Disability comes through!

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    Gary also received SS disability in record time. The money was in our account before we even received a letter approving us. He received retroactive pay (minus the 5 month waiting period) from the day he initially went to our local ER with jaundice. Our interviewer was SUPER! He was the one who encouraged us to apply for the retroactive and even assisted Gary’s employer in wording of the form he was obliged to complete.
    As has been said before, it’s a hell of a thing to have to be thankful for…but we certainly are. Elaine and Gary


    I also rec’d my SSD in record time. I knew nothing about the process but it was so easy. I filled out forms on line and did phone interview and was approved in 2 weeks. I did wait until about 5 months from cc diagnosis to try. I was told there was a 5 month waiting period anyway. We have so much to deal with but this is definitaley worth the time. Cathy


    Timely subject. I’m going in next week to talk to my hospital’s social worker about taking a medical retirement. I do have short and long term disability insurance, and want to make sure that I can get to use it before I’m laid off. I work in the real estate industry, and not to borrow trouble, but sometimes you see the writing on the wall!


    Have you talked with the government provided lawyer for appealing a disability claim denial? We found them very helpful to our cause and we succeeded in overturning the denial. Best of luck.


    I have not personally had experience with this, but have heard from others that you need a certain amount of credits to qualify for the disability part. From what I understand, I hope I don’t ever need it as I wouldn’t qualify either! As I am 60, I have 5 years to go before I qualify for medicare. For what it is worth! I am hoping to stay healthy until then! :)


    Unfortunately, I applied for Social Security Disability and was denied due to lack of sufficient years of work. Did anyone else run into this problem?




    Hi Guys and Gals
    Quite honestly I haven’t even given a thought to medicaid. I’m currently insured under my husband’s work policy (BCBS). Without doing any research, I thought medicaid was applied for if you don’t have any other type of insurance. But given that I can’t even apply for regardless for another 2 years, I guess I’ll put it on the back burner for now.
    Thanks for all the good info and support, as always.


    It has been a miracle for us! Not only is Lee collecting, but we got all of the back-track from when he was first diagnosed. Emilee is even collecting on him which is a huge blessing….Lee was worried if something happened to him that as a teacher, I couldn’t afford to put her through college….now he knows that by the time she is ready to go….she will have a wonderful nest egg!



    You are right. It is actually a 29 month wait to begin coverage. You have a 5 month waiting period then the 24 months kicks in. My husband just became eligible the first of Dec after 29 months. I think they hope you will die before you qualify. Pretty sad for sure! Now I worry that they could kick Tom off because he is doing well but then what?What if it comes back? We’ve always been self-employed and theres no way he could ever get coverage. They didn’t want him before because of his high blood pressure and being overweight. No one would even hire him and put him on their policy either with this disease. At 61 he’s just holding his breath that he can continue this way until he is 65 then hopefully not have to worry anymore.We need something done for these issues right away!! Mary


    Hi Karen, Your absolutely correct. It took 10 days from start to finish before my SSI deposits began. And they will go back retroactive maximum of 12 months from date of application if you had to stop work anytime during that period. However, medicare was still a twenty four month waiting period. I have the 2009 Medicare Book if anyone has a particular question ,I would be more than happy to look it up.
    Jeff G.


    Just my input on the Disability. With the government CC is considered End Stage Renal Disease. My husband used a SSI lawyer (provided free from SS) because he had other issues to battle with SS. I think as long as you can provide proof of diagnois of CC there is no question about receiving Disability.


    Suzanne.. Glad your SSI went through with out any problems and so quickly. Now is the Insurance part, Medicare. Whole different set of rules unfortunately. I believe it is a 24 month waiting period from time of application/approval of SSI before you recieve Medicare. It will explain it all in the booklet or your can go on line now of the Social security. So if you have Medical Insurance keep hold of it as they don’t go hand to hand time wise. You may already know,but some of us have found out the hard way. It’s not fair to have to wait so long for Medicare. Something that should be addressed with Congress tht’s for sure.
    Gog Bless, Jeff P.S. Goggle above in our special little google box about medicare and social security as it has been discussed on this board several times.


    This is valuable information and might encourage those who are hesitant in requesting SSI to move forward with working towards receiving these benefits.
    Thanks so much,


    I think the speediness is directly related to the prognosis of this cancer. I believe all liver cancers are fastracked through. I went to a lawyer for a free consultation when Tom first became ill and he made it sound like it could be a real battle but just as Suzanne said the people I spoke to at SS were very compassionate and even told me they would fastrack his application through and did. Mary


    Hi Marion – Quite honestly I don’t know how it all happened so fast, or why it went so smoothly. I think I will receive some sort of package from SSDI at some point, and maybe that will provide more information on the process. However, the person that I worked with at the social security office here locally in Georgia was amazing. Her son had cancer in the past so maybe she related to me on that level. I chose to do a phone interview instead of going for an in-person interview. One thing I did make sure to emphasize is the prognosis of this type of cancer. I know miracles happen every day, but reality is reality. But I just don’t know, at this point, what the magic combination is that made it go through so fast.

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