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    I think it would be wonderful if we even got one reply, too. As for the TV appearance. I think you would be great just the way you are, both on the outside & even more important on the inside & that too would shine through. Thanks for all the effort you are putting in to this. I sure hope it pays off.



    Thanks Lisa. I think it would be awesome if I just heard from one of these places. I think if I went on TV it would cost me too much. Face lift, hair dye, teeth capped, weight loss!!!!!!!!


    Lainy, I think it would be awesome if you and Teddy were to be invited onto the View, along with the founders of


    OK you twisted my arm (not really) but Barbara Walters and the View will be my next package! I just have to copy everything and send it off this week. Again if any newbies want to add a letter as caretaker or patient now is the time. Just send it to my email address and I will send it along with the 35 that I have.


    I agree Lisa. Barbara Walters does sound like a good option. Also, linking the two, bile duct & pancreatic, as rare & deadly diseases that are not getting the attention other more commonly known cancers do is a good starting point. Also, as Barbara said, if more research were done with these two cancers, it could be the key to eliminating cancer all together! Wouldn’t that be great?

    Lisa, we are all connected in our own way through this great site and as you said, I am sure we will all connect again when we have passed on from here.



    Barbara Walters is a great idea. Maybe we could link bile duct cancer to pancreatic cancer as twin deadly diseases that need more research and attention paid to them.

    I would also like to thank everyone on this board. You all are truly inspirational and a lifeline for me. I wish we could all connect in person some day… but I know we will connect in Heaven.

    God bless,


    Hi Everyone,
    I am so glad to see that we are going to try somewhere else – I was SO disappointed that nothing came of the Opray letter (yet, that is). It is a great idea to send them off – to Ellen first, maybe , but – Barbara Walters is another great choice. I, too, cannot imagine that anyone reading those letters would not at a mimimum acknowledge – perhaps they are backlogged, and didn’t even get to them yet?? At any rate, Lainy – thanks for organiizing this effort.
    I had also noticed the increase in new members, and hope that this means increased awareness, It is so wonderful to know that people have this forum to come to when they need it. Like Darla, I don’t know what I would have done w/o all of you. Without the vision of the originators, we would all be stumbling by ourselves, so – hats off to them!

    I also see more and more people sending in pictures on “Faces”, and read through them every once in a while, just to remind myself of the struggles that CC patients and their families face so bravely.

    Joyce C


    Just a thought, but perhaps sending our letters to Barbara Walters. She is dealing with a friend with pancreatic cancer, she may listen, it is worth a try. One day, someone will realize that there is a possibility that by researching the “rare cancers” such as CC, they could uncover a “link” that could be a key to finding the cure for cancer.


    Good job everyone. Some things to think about. I’m not sure about Montel or Dr. Phil. I do think that Ellen Degeneres is a good choice. I agree that we should try for somewhere that would devote an entire program to us and CC. I suppose that even a small segment would be better than nothing. Atleast it would be a start Anything we can do to make people more aware is better than nothing at all. I am really disappointed that we didn’t even get a reply from the Oprah people. Rather sad, isn’t it?



    Hi Kris. The problem with the doctors would be like a 5 minute segment and we would be done. I am trying to pick a venue where we could possibly get the whole hour. Has anyone heard that Montel will be back? I had heard yes then no.


    What about the program “Doctors”? I havent watched it but I read something about it that might make it applicable.

    Any of the Today, Goodmorning America type shows often do segments that we fit into.


    Good, about Dr. Phil but doesn’t he just deal with psychological problems? I spent the morning deleting Oprah’s name from all the letters. Would also like some feedback if anyone else wants to e mail a letter to me to add to the pile.
    Other wise I will send these in to Ellen and Phil next week.


    You might also try the Dr. Phil show. He and Robin are always trying to bring about awarness. Atleast it would be another venue.


    Great idea, I like her. I will start making copies of my copies.


    Try the Ellen Degeneres show… she seems to be one celebrity that hasn’t lost touch with the common folk.

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