Question about myself???

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    You go for it girl! We will all be waiting for good news. :)




    In the words of Carl Sandburg:

    “A baby is God’s opinion that the world should go on.”

    Carl Sandburg
    US biographer & poet (1878 – 1967)

    We will anxiously await the happy news!!




    A baby would make your mom very happy.


    Yay, Amy, break a leg!



    Hi everyone,

    Just a short update… I asked the oncologist yesterday about if there is anything that I should watch out for if I get pregnant. She said that the chemo is quickly saturated into a body, and there is no harm possible to others. So, hopefully Mom will have a grandbaby sometime in the next year or so ;).




    Believe it or not there are women who ARE pregnant that have to take chemo themselves and deliver perfectly normal children. That said – each and every pregnancy is unique so you have to be proactive in your approach to planning this baby.

    I would first make an appointment with your chosen OB/GYN doctor and have a frank discussion about the pros and cons. Ask about what measures and safeguards you should take. He would definitely be invested in helping to ensure a healthy pregnancy for you and your baby to be.

    You did the right thing with talking to the pharmacist. Get as much information as possible. Pregnancy is stressful enough without more things to worry about, but a baby is God’s way of saying the world will go on!

    Just think of all of the “extra grandmothers” (and Grandfathers) you’ll have access to here on this site! *grin*

    I’m so sorry to hear about your grandfather but you have got to be an answer to prayer in the way you are taking care of your Mom. You are a wonderful legacy!

    Hugs to you and yours. You are in my thoughts and prayers!



    I have no idea and I am not even sure of which type of doctor you could ask. You are right, we do need to become all sorts of experts.



    Hi everyone,

    Happy New Year.

    Sorry that I haven’t posted in some time. On December 14th my grandpa died. He was 88. His death was very unexpected. I went over to take him some pie and found him. It has been rough on all of us. Although we know he is in a better place. He was my mom’s dad, so it has been especially hard on her. Here she is dealing with her own health issues and then this. Unfortuantly this is how life works, huh?

    Mom has finished up her last round of chemo (hopefully!!). We go on Wednesday for a pet and ct scan to see how things are. Either they will do more chemo or get her ready for surgery. She isn’t looking forward to either one. Please keep her in your prayers!!

    Well, my question is…. my husband and I are planning on trying to have a baby soon. Mom lives with us. If she has to have more chemo are there certain precautions that I should take? She is on gemzar and oxaliplatin. My OBGYN said that there are certain chemo drugs which are toxic to fetuses. I did talk to the pharmacist while my was getting chemo last time and he said that things should be fine. She just needs to take extra precautions such as flushing the toilet twice (which he said that she should be doing anyways, which I didn’t know). Just wanted to get some more information on the topic. Unfortuantly we all have to become the experts about this disease.

    Thanks so much for being here. You are all in my prayers.

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