I almost ditto Scragots post…..

Discussion Board Forums Good News / What’s Working I almost ditto Scragots post…..

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    Mary….Who would have ever thought that radiation scarring would lift our spirits? But, it does. So glad to hear the good news.


    That is wonderful news – 2 great news events within a couple of days – we all needed this. I am so happy for you both.

    Joyce C.



    More good news. That is great. I think you are right, there are so many of us that weren’t as lucky, but we still appreciate hearing that there are some successes here and it does give hope to the newcomers. We all need to have hope and as you and Tom have proven & also Sue and others, there are some success stories to be found.

    I also wonder why some do so well & others don’t. I guess it is just the luck of the draw. Somewhere here somebody posted something about why did this happen to us & then they thought why not us? I sort of feel that way too. Why us, but why not us? No one is more or less deserving it is just luck & genes. I also believe that we really have no control over any of this. When your time is up there is no going back. It is all in the hands of a power much greater than us. My best to everyone here. I will be hoping & praying for more good posts. I will also keep you all in my thoughts & prayers.



    No, Tom was just like you and they attempted one but couldn’t do it because they felt they would have to take out too much of his bile duct. He had a klatskin tumor that went into both sides of his ducts above the bifurcation. They explain it to me now saying that the stricture he has is way up in the “tree” just below where the branches start spreading out. It is very high up. He then had 5 weeks of IMRT radiation along with Xeloda and brachytherapy.I sometimes wonder whether surgery actually makes the cancer spread more. Who knows? Best wishes, Mary


    Mary, did Tom have a resection?


    This news is even more wonderful than mine! After all you and Tom have gone thru, to be having such success…that’s fantastic! Congrats to both of you!


    YEA! That is such good news! Lets keep the good news rolling.


    My husband Tom went in Monday and had his stent removed. They opened up the stricture with a balloon, took a bunch of pictures, injected contrast etc. and took four tissue biopsies of the stricture area. The Doc called last night and said the biopsies showed nothing but radiation scarring-no cancer recurrence.
    So even though I, like Sue ,almost feel guilty posting good news here when so many of our dear friends are having such a rough time I realize everyone, ecspecially the newcomers, need to have hope and hear about success stories.
    Our Doc said he actually has one patient that has survived pancreatic cancer for ten years and is doing fine and now Tom. I don’t know why some people are able to do better than others. I really think it is just luck. We HAVE been incredibly lucky! I am very grateful but heartsick when I keep reading about all of our losses. It is hard to come on here some days.
    Jeff and Kris, you are both great friends and we are all praying for you! Peace and love to everyone else here, the ones fighting on and the ones that have lost their loved ones.
    AND SUE, congratulations!!! It is so wonderful to get positive news! We still worry every time- I almost didn’t want the Doc to call yesterday because I was so afraid of what he would say!
    Take care all and I hope everyone is getting through the miserable winter weather!!! Think Spring!!!

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