No more treatments until May

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    Enjoy the spring with your mother. The wildflowers here are just starting to pop out from under all the snow. I cant wait till it is warm and we can enjoy the season.

    I hope your mother has the controllable cc and that the new plan is just what she needs and wants (after her break). Best wishes.



    Hi everyone,

    Took Mom to the dr today. Her oncologist isn’t sure that the Xeloda was what made her so sick last week, but there is a chance. Mom is very unsure of doing it again. The dr would like her to try the Xeloda again, but make a couple of changes, and continue with the Oxaliplatin. So, they came to the conclusion to let her rest a little while. Mom will have a cat scan the first week of May and then see her dr after that. They will go from there. The dr said that the lymph nodes could stay stable or grow with our without treatment. Mom was VERY VERY encouraged and relieved, and that is what is most important through this whole treatment, I believe. The dr did say that her disease isn’t curable, but controllable. She has another patient who has been at the “hold” stage for 15 months and another at 12 months. We will see what May will bring. We are going to take a trip to Texas between now and then… should be fun!!! We are going to enjoy spring!


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