Robin S. Fry

Discussion Board Forums In Remembrance Robin S. Fry

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    I know how you feel. It all seems so surreal. It doesn’t even seem real to you yet & like you said you feel like you are in a fog. It all happens so swiftly and there is so much going on that you don’t even really have time to think or reflect on what has happened. I still wake up some days expecting Jim to be here and that it was all just some horrible nightmare.

    Just remember, that we are all here for you when you need us for support & comfort. Without all these great people on the site I don’t know what I would have done. They are the only ones who truely know what we are all going through & how losing a loved one to this monster of a cancer affects us both as caregivers and those of us left behind. It has changed our world & how we see it forever.

    I will be thinking of you as you travel on the rest of this journey of grieving with all the rest of us who have lost a loved one to CC.

    Take care & keep in touch.

    Love & Hugs,


    I am so sorry I missed this post earlier. I am sad for your loss. I will pray for you and your family. Those memories in your heart are very precious.

    I have read several people talk about getting through the first stages in a fog. It is ok and I am sure you are doing better than you think. In most cases, I think that people forget to realise how much they are managing and experiencing even though their lives have completely changed. You have had to be so strong for so long and now there is probably a part of you that feels like you need to continue to be strong. Well, take some time for yourself and let other people take care of you for a bit. Robin’s pain has ended while yours hasnt. We will be here to help you through yours.

    Keeping you in my thoughts.



    Thank you all for your kind expressions of sympathy. There was a memorial dinner in Florida and after cermation my daughter and I drove our trailer and my husband’s ashes back to New Jersey where we are planning another memorial for family and friends. I will be glad when all this is over. Everything has happened so fast I have not really had time to absorb it all. I feel so in a fog. I just keep putting one foot in front of the other and hope it lands in the right place. I miss Rob so. I know he is in a better place, but I just keep thinking he will call or somehow I will hear from him other than the memories in my heart.


    Karen, I was in your very shoes one month ago. I traded hands with Jesus and let my beloved Lee go home. You are so very right when you say Praise be to God….my love and your love are now together having the time of their lives. Perfect Paradise…with our Savior. Prayers of hope, comfort, strength are coming straight to you now.



    Dear Karen,
    I am so sorry. I know that nothing we could possibly say will help right now, but just know that we are all here for you. I pray that the Lord will ease your suffering as you walk this lonesome valley.

    Joyce C.


    Dear Karen…. I tip my hat to Robin. I send my prayers of love and support to you. Let your soul mate, husband and friend guide you through your sorrow and grief. He’ll be watching over you.
    God Bless,


    Dear Karen,

    As I read this, I’m crying and my heart breaks for you. We were walking this road together and still are in a way. We are all here for you. I always think of Jeff, Charlie and Robin together. I know he’s rejoicing in Heaven with all his loved ones that are there to greet him. I imagine nothing that is said is going to diminish your pain for a while. I know you’ll do what you have to do to make it. You’re strong even if you don’t feel it right now. Much love and prayers coming your way.

    Praying for better tomorrows,


    Dear Karen,

    I am so sorry for your loss. I truely understand the sadness & pain that you are feeling. Just know that he will live forever in your heart & memories. The blessing is that he is now at peace, in a better place & no longer suffers the pain of this horrible disease. I will pray for peace & comfort for you & your family in the days that follow. I will keep you all in my thoughts & prayers.

    Love & Hugs,


    Karen, please accept our heartfelt prayers as we are so sorry for your loss. We all know what a hard journey you have had and now the pain your soul mate endured is over as he sleeps with peace and comfort. You will always have him in your mind and heart. We send our warmest thoughts out to you and your family.


    It is with a heavy, broken heart that this message is posted. My soul mate, husband and best friend ended his journey on earth on March 13th at 5:30 AM. The last few days were spent in a Hospice House on the Nature Coast in Florida where we were having a “mini” retirement. He was not strong enough to wait to walk down the Golden Path to our Savior with Charlie and Jeff.

    The Lord gives and the Lord takes away. Blessed be the name of the Lord.


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