Cancer screening

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  • #27773

    Hi Amy,

    Maybe this will help a little bit to answer your questions. In the medical field there are innumerable “screening” tests. You’ve probably already had several in your life.

    Pap smears, mammograms, colonoscopies, chest x-rays, PSA (prostate screening), the list goes on and on. Screening tests are the ones that are usually pretty non-invasive or painful (although I’ll never believe that about pap smears or mammograms *grin*) and can be given to the general population at a fairly low cost. Most of the tests we get at our annual physicals are “screening” to see if something can be picked up or detected.

    Being in the medical field you can bet that I look at my own bloodwork and tests and wonder and worry if CC can be hereditary. I think the jury is still out on that one.

    Hang in there.



    Amy…this discussion has come up plenty of times and I think that it will be discussed until an answer has been found. This is what I have learned so far: Presently, there has not been a study identifying a link in re: to heredity and CC. However. there are risk factors which could lead to the development of CC such as: Primary sclerosing cholangitis which, is a chronic inflammation of the bile ducts, or Chronic Ulcerative Colitis, or Choledochal cysts, and there other possibly related pre-cursers to this cancer.
    A few times we have seen, on this board, more then one member of a family diagnosed with CC but, I can only recall between 3and 5 people, at most.
    Therefore, at this point, I believe that those diseases should be watched closely that have been linked to possible development of this cancer.

    It is not unsual of you to ask as all of us especially those of us with children are concerned about the possibility of a genetic predesposition to this cancer.

    I was told: some people have a tendency to develop cancer but, we don’t know who and why this is happening.
    Therefore, I believe the study of genomics has taken on such prominence in the area of research. I have also learned that over a trillion Dollars have been spent on cancer research and yet, science has not been able to produce the answers. I have also learned that all of us have cancer cells floating in the blood stream but is has not yet been determined as to why some of these cells start mutating and become cancerous.
    Others may have some explainations, also.
    Thanks for the great question.


    Hi everyone,

    I have read some about cancer screening…… I know that there is no real “test” that we can take to see if we have CC or most other cancers for that fact, but I was just wondering what your thoughts were. There is a local cancer center which “screens” for cancer, but I don’t really know what that consists of. I know that most of the consensus says that CC isn’t hereditary, but I don’t know!!!!!!!!!!!


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