Hello! Hubby Newly diagnosed had successful surgery!

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Hello! Hubby Newly diagnosed had successful surgery!

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    Thanks for sharing your story with us. It’s so good to hear how well your husband is doing and the positive results from the surgery. Isn’t it amazing that you can have 80% of your liver removed and it essentially grows back? Wishing all the best to you both and continuing good news!



    Hello Ladybug,

    Such great news about your husband Dave! We can all rejoice right along with you. Hope everything is going perfect.

    All the best,


    Thanks!! Me too!!! Well, we were told that when he goes back for his follow-up to get the staples out that we would talk about preventive options. I guess the Doc wants to get him strong from the surgery before discussing further steps. Thanks your well wishes mean so much!

    devoncat wrote:
    Welcome Ladybug! (that seems strange as Ladybug is my sister’s symbol!)

    I am so happy your husband got the little beast out and surgery was successful! I love wonderful news. Is your husband going to “tidy up” with any chemo? I wish nothing but the best for you and your husband.



    Thanks a bunch for the well wishes!!

    Tess wrote:
    Welcome Ladybug, that is really great news about Dave. Sounds like it was certainly a best case scenario and that things are unfolding smoothly. Here’s wishing you both well wishes, you’ll be in our thougths.



    Thank you!! I am hoping to find lots of info about recovery on this site! I will be his caregiver, and could use lots of tips, and thoughts!

    marions wrote:
    ladybug…I would like to follow moon and Lainy in welcoming you to this site. I am wishing for a speedy recovery and many more wonderful postings from you.
    My best wishes to Dave. It is a slow processs recovering from this type of surgery but, well worth the effort.

    Welcome Ladybug! (that seems strange as Ladybug is my sister’s symbol!)

    I am so happy your husband got the little beast out and surgery was successful! I love wonderful news. Is your husband going to “tidy up” with any chemo? I wish nothing but the best for you and your husband.



    Welcome Ladybug, that is really great news about Dave. Sounds like it was certainly a best case scenario and that things are unfolding smoothly. Here’s wishing you both well wishes, you’ll be in our thougths.



    ladybug…I would like to follow moon and Lainy in welcoming you to this site. I am wishing for a speedy recovery and many more wonderful postings from you.
    My best wishes to Dave. It is a slow processs recovering from this type of surgery but, well worth the effort.


    Thanks for your well wishes! You are so true…this CC is just unreal. I pray so much that all will continue to look up for him. We are blessed.

    Lainy wrote:
    Hello Ladybug and welcome to a place no one wishes to be. That is such monumental news about Dave. This CC is unbelievable and you were so lucky to catch it so quickly. Bravo also to Dave’s doctors. This is a good site with a ton of caring people so don’t be a stranger. Wishing for a really speedy recovery for Dave.

    Thank you very much! I am certain I will be on here quite often!

    moon wrote:
    hello ladybug,

    i want to welcome you to this baord,
    it is so great to here that your husbund is okay,and wisch more good news for you and your husbund.

    god bless you moon


    Hello Ladybug and welcome to a place no one wishes to be. That is such monumental news about Dave. This CC is unbelievable and you were so lucky to catch it so quickly. Bravo also to Dave’s doctors. This is a good site with a ton of caring people so don’t be a stranger. Wishing for a really speedy recovery for Dave.


    hello ladybug,

    i want to welcome you to this baord,
    it is so great to here that your husbund is okay,and wisch more good news for you and your husbund.

    god bless you moon


    Hi there!

    I stumbled upon this site, and thought I would add our story. My Husband Dave, who is only 50, was having some pain in his abdomen on Valentines Day 2009 and we went to the ER to discover his gallbladder was inflamed. They removed his gallbladder, and sent him home. Two days went by, and the itching started, and he began to turn VERY yellow, his eyes were so yellow, and he was very weak. We went back to the hospital, and he had the ERCP scope, as they were thinking it was a gall stone in the duct. We discovered that he had a tumor in the bile duct. We were sent to Barnes Jewish Hospital in St. Louis, and informed at that time he had Bile Duct Cancer. The Ultrasound showed there was good blood flow to the liver, and the surgery was possible. On thursday April 2nd 2009, My Husband had a 9 1/2 hour surgery, and Dr. William Hawkins, and his team removed 80% of his liver, and reconstructed his bile duct. Dave is doing great. The Doctor says that they got all of the cancer. I did find out that it was also in two of his nodes, but those were removed as well. Dave is still in the hospital, and doing great. He is walking, and started eating solid food today. We were told that we were very lucky, because a transplant was not an option in his case. Dr. Hawkins is known as one of the best in the USA. I wanted to share our good news with all, and know that there is hope.

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