My mother is now free

Discussion Board Forums In Remembrance My mother is now free

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    Lina: I am sorry. Please be sure to stay with us. This site understands all too well. Someone is always here for you.



    Thank you Tess.


    Dear Lina, your words speak a beautiful tribute to your Mom, and the poem is just beautiful. Your Mom’s passing was peaceful, as you had prayed for- and as she would wish for. You are in my prayers Lina.



    Dear Friends,

    Thank you for your words of comfort, they give me strenght.
    God bless you,



    Dear Lina,

    I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your wonderful mother. She sounds like a very special woman surrrounded by a loving family. The poem by Tanya Torres is so beautiful.

    You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers.




    I am sorry for the grave loss of your mother. I sit here crying in Chicago, as the first Mother’s Day without my mom approaches your friend’s poem has touched me very deeply.




    I am so sorry for the loss of your Mother, but as you said, she is no longer suffering & is at peace and will remain in your heart & memories forever. Your friends tribute is beautiful & very moving. We are all here for you when you need comfort & strength to go on. Know that you will be in my thoughts & prayers.

    Peace, Love & Hugs,



    My thoughts are with you at this time. I am so sorry for the passing of your Mother, but glad that she didn’t suffer longer. Thank you for sharing – The poem was so lovely.

    Thoughts and Prayers,

    Joyce C.


    Lina….my heart is with you at this special time. May your heart begin to heal…one day at a time.


    Lina, please accept my sincere condolences at the passing of your mother. I feel sad for you but I know you are comforted that she isn’t suffering any longer. The tribute written by your friend is beautifully heart-rendering, and I was very moved by it. I hope that you find comfort and peace, Lina. Losing one’s mom is a hard passage, I know.



    Dear cholangiocarcinoma family,

    My mother, Ligia passed last Tuesday, April 14th at 10:30am. God heard our prayers asking for a fast passing, if He was not to cure her, to save her of anymore suffering. That morning, she had a little bit of fruit and suddenly she had an attack of phlegm that she was unable to cough up and quickly she fainted away. Luckily, her passing was very peaceful even though it sounds traumatic. When the ambulance arrived, they couldn’t do anything, because she had signed a not resucitation form, this was a blessing, otherwise she would still be suffering.

    I am very grateful for the gift that she was in my life and for all her love that will continue to live in my heart and of those who she touched.

    I like to thank CC foundation for being there for me in providing support, encouragement and guidance. I’m sorry for not posting that often, my writing skills are not so strong, but I like you to know that all of you frequent or non frequent posters have been in my prayers all along this dark journey.

    I like to share a poem that a friend of mine wrote in tribute to my mom’s passing, which has helped me put the concept of death into perspective and has given me much comfort, perhaps it can help many of you that are also going through a similar loss.

    I was a woman,
    Who loved,
    Now I am love.

    I was a woman,
    Who looked up to the sky, and wished to fly.
    Now I am flight.

    I was a mother,
    And today I am creation.

    I was voice, warmth and the resounding flow of blood within the borders of my body.
    Now I am silence that rests in the coming and going of my beloved hearts.

    I was that which reflected a shadow,
    Now, I am intense light,
    In the infinite space of my being.

    I was a limit in time,
    But today, wholeness embraces me,
    and I embrace wholeness.

    I was many things that come to an end.
    Now I am infinite eternity,
    Within each new and small sprouting of life.

    I am who I always have been.

    -Tanya Torres
    (see her blog for more and for spanish version)



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