New to radiation

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    I forgot to mention that the aforementioned doctors are at the Moores Cancer Center, UCSD, La Jolla. Also, I read where somebody who had the beads in the liver had to be careful not to be too close to others for 14 days when the radiation was the strongest. Is that still the case? I’d like to hear from others who have had this procedure which I am contemplating.


    Dr. Fanta is the medical oncologist. Dr. Lawson is the radiation oncologist and Dr. Rose is the interventional radiologist.


    Barbara…..I am sure for others to share more of their experiences with either, bead placement or, external radiation. Also, the search function will lead you to many discussions. Your incredible, positive, response to the chemo treatment spreads warm feelings of hope to all of us. Keep it coming.
    BTW who are the physicians treating you at UCSD?


    I went to the radiation oncologist yesterday and I would have 6 sessions of the external radiation. In early May, I see the interventional radiologist to see if I should have the internal beads placed in one treatment in the liver tumor. Then, they want me to decide with them which I will have. How do I know? My tumor is on the back side of the liver at the tip. Opinions out there? I am being treated at UCSD in La Jolla,CA.


    Hi Barbara,
    70%!!! That’s fantastic and I hope Jim’s is as successful as yours!!!! Keep us updated with the radiation :)


    I think the radiation and chemo treatments buy us time.


    That’s funny. My regime is the chemo first. I had absolutely no side effects to the chemo or Xeloda. The problem was with the steroids they gave me before the infusion. It makes me hyper for a few days and it is hard to sleep. Then it goes away. With the Xeloda, I took compazine with each dose to make sure I didn’t get nauseous and never have been. I am on 2 weeks one 1 week off. I am able to drive myself to chemo 40 min on fwy. The Gemzar infusion takes only 1/2 hour but it is waiting for the blood work to come back each time before infusion that takes time. I hope you have good luck with it. It shrunk my tumors by 70% in 5 months.


    Hi Barbara,
    Jim had 40 hits of radiation and had no side effects other than fatigue and mild pain on the zapped areas. The radiation protocol shrunk his tumor. He is starting the same chemo regime, Gemzar and then Xeloda a bit down the track. hopefully he will get the first dose of Gemzar this week. how did you find it????
    :) Danielle


    Yipes! I forgot the heartburn. We used Mylenta (advised by others on this board) and it worked perfectly.


    I had 33 radiation treatments, with no problems other than tiredness (I needed 9 hrs. sleep a night plus a nap) and a burnt taste in my mouth. Some heartburn, but over-the-counter stuff worked for that.

    Most people seem to do fine with radiation, and I’m convinced it’s what walloped my tumors so thoroughly. 2 1/2 years later, they’re still there but not causing any trouble.

    Hope you have GREAT results too!!



    Barbara, do not worry. Teddy had 25 radiation treatments last summer and no side effects except tiredness. They gave him a pill to take before each treatment to prevent possible nausea but he never felt sick. The tiredness started out gradually and he did become more and more tired until the end of the treatments. He started to feel less tired about 3 weeks later after the treatments were done. That was it, the radiation did it’s job. Good luck!!


    Barbara….that is great news. Do you know which radiation has been contemplated. You might also want to look up radiation in the”Search Function”. Simply, enter “radiation” (omit the author unless you would specifically like to read up on a member’s comment) and many threads will appear discussing this subject.
    Others may want to share with your their experiences, also.
    Good luck.


    AFter 5 months on chemo of Gemzar and Xeloda, I am going to have radiation on my largest tumor in my liver. I wlll look at the radiation section but I don’t know what to expect. Help! I don’t know yet how many treatments.

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