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    Hello Trevor


    Hi Trevor, and welcome to our fabulous little club that no one hope they have to join! You might also ask about cyber knife since the tumor is small. Its non-evasive and the latest and greatest. Good luck to you and please keep us posted.


    Hi Trevor – It does seem yours has been caught really early which is great! I also have read that resection is the only long term cure. Mine was not caught early and after having a failed resection and about 5 months of chemo the tumors were stable so I attempted resection again in February and it was a success. I’m having “clean up” chemo now to try to get any little cells floating around out there.

    Have any of your doctors talked to you about a possible resection? What’s your age? We have quite the range on this site.

    Hang in there!


    Hi Trevor,
    It sounds like the tumor was caught in an early stage. If it is too small to notice, then it may be resectable. Since resection is the only cure, I hope that you are indeed one of the lucky ones!

    Radiation and chemo are helpful in keeping the cancer at bay, but don’t offer a long term cure for most people.

    Also, I have noticed that the younger you are when diagnosed, the better chance you have for living longer with this disease.

    Best of luck!


    Hi I was diagnosed with PSC in February and shortly there after cholangiocarcinoma. I am currently under going the 6 week radiation/chemo treatment protocol at the Mayo Clinic. I am assuming I was lucky to qualify for this treatment? Does this mean the cancer was caught at an early stage? I have been told that the protocol has yielded good results… 87% 5 years out… I know this treatment has only been in existence for 10 years or so…

    Upon review of my MRI, they mentioned that the tumor was too small to notice, but they noticed “abnormal cells” in the bile ducts and sent samples away for further testing. Some dna testing confirmed the diagnosis and it was found to be malignant.

    Has anyone else here undergone similar treatment?


    I wish everyone here the best.


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