New Member-My Mom

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! New Member-My Mom

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    Chris, Love It!! A seven year survivor! I am certain many on this board are thrilled to hear your news. I, too, and very interested in details….Did you do any chemo after whipple? Any Lymph node envolvement? What kind of follow-up do you do now?
    kctasty, I agree with Kris, your mom must concentrate on getting her strength back, before any talk of treatment. It is always good news when the tumor can be removed. My dad had the J tube after his Whipple for a short time and eventually got back to his pre-surgury weight, and was able to eat almost everything he ate before the whipple.
    Definitely keep us posted


    Hi Chris…Congratulations. How wonderful for you to join our site. It is people like you who give hope to others especially, to the members on this board. I would love to hear more about your experiences, about how you handled certain situations physicially, and emotionally in fact, I would like to echo Lainy by wishing for you to share with us your wisdom.
    Again, hello survivor. My day just brightened up.


    YEA! Chris, just the news we like to hear. That is just great. Teddy’s returned a year ago where his duodenum used to be but he had radiation and then cyber knife and is Cancer Free once again. Do you follow any type of regiment? Teddy goes to the Oncologist every other month and has LABs every month. When the cancer returned it also pushed his right ureter closed so he goes in every 3 months for a stent exchange in the ureter. Its always the weird stuff not the actual cancer for him. We are so glad to hear your good story. Please don’t be a stranger to our wonderful site.


    All the previous are good and I should know. I am a survivor of the whipple.
    I was diagnosed as having a tumor in my bile duct and my surgery was done on January 30, 2002. Yes, that makes me a seven year survivor and a very lucky person. It was tough, no question but I made it. All the suggestions posted earlier are good and I can’t add anything new but I can say there is a light at the end of that long tunnel. It will take some hard work and a positive attitude but it can be done. I’m sending my good thoughts and wishes. .
    Chris. . .


    Hello and Welcome to the best little club in the World that no one wishes to join! You know, a Whipple is the largest surgery to the human body. Not life threatening but huge. My husband Teddy, had 2 Whipples, 1st was aborted, within a month! His 2nd month in to healing he developed a tiny hole at the resection. He went in to REHAB for 1 month on nothing but an IV. Fortunately the hole healed by starving it. No one can ever believe what our loved ones go through with this monster. Sounds like your mother is healing, it just takes a long, long time. One day you will turn around and really see that she is getting better. I used to give him Boosts and it took many month for him to really eat good. When you have part of the pancreas cut that also changes the way you eat. He couldn’t tolerate anything sweet. Now he is back to loving chocolate. I used to make him comfort food like stewed chicken and chicken soup. He couldn’t eat meat for a long time. Its hunt and peck. Glad you found us, not glad you had to. Feel free to come and vent, advise or ask. Please keep us posted.


    kctasty2004 ….I would also like to welcome you. I echo everything Kris has mentioned. Your Mom has much healing to do and it seems as if she is progressing nicely. Once your Mom is able to eat and regain her strength then the other steps will follow. It appears that she is in good hands for right now. I am extending my warmest wishes to your Mom and you. Be assured that this board will be supporting you in any way we can and that any questions is more then welcome. Please, take care of yourself also.
    I am sending all my good wishes your way,


    Welcome to our wonderful family and you are in the right place for support and answers.

    Try not to worry to much about fighting the cancer now. Your mother’s body needs to heal from the surgery, and even with no complications, they would have to wait a bit before they could do chemo or radiation. The more serious problem is getting your mom healthy now and eating and off dialysis. I have no experience with kidney problems, so no advice there.

    Food wise, just let her eat what she wants whether it is considered a “good” or “bad” food. Her bowels need to start functioning for her to feel better. When I had problems eating, cold food was a lot better than hot food and was the only thing that temped me.

    Many people need rehabilitation after surgery. It is VERY important that she gets up…only if it is sitting in a chair for a bit. Walking down the hallways or only to the bathroom needs to be down as soon as she can. The longer you are down the harder it is to get going again. I was given a walker in the hospital to get me going…dont be shy to ask for one.

    The other problem that can occur is that if you are in bed too long there is a chance of developing lung problems. I was given a bottle filled with water and a tube. I was supposed to blow in the tube and make bubbles about 10 times a day to keep my lungs clear and strong. Again talk to the nurse about it. After over a month in the hospital I was completely weak, but able to slowly climb the stairs to my apartment. I think it was all the work I put in walking and blowing that prevented me from having to do physical therapy after I was discharged. The nurses always commented on how well I was doing with the walking…it was difficult, hard, painful but I think it made the difference.



    My mom was diagnosed with bile duct cancer in mid March. She went in for the Whipple procedure at IU Med on April 8th. They were able to remove the tumor but were worried that it was aggressive. Results showed Stage 3. Unfortunately one new connection (between the stomach and small intestine) developed a leak and bile filled her body. She was full of infection, kidneys were failing and her body was crashing. She was placed on a ventilator and went in for an emergency 2nd surgery to repair the leak and IR put in a drain to let out the bile. After many scary days she made miraculous progress. She has been in the hospital for one month today and is off the vent but still taking dialysis. She is not able to take food by mouth so they are putting a J tube in today. She will need rehabilitation after leaving the hospital. We have not even begun the fight of the CANCER….and I am so fearful of how it is growing in her body now. She was a PERFECTLY healthy woman before March 1st. Things have happened so quickly and they have been so unbelieable.

    Any advice is welcome!

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