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  • #28732

    Deborah…I am so sorry to hear this. There have been many discussion regarding ascities as it appears to be very common in the later stages of this rotten cancer but, I don’t believe that anyone can predict for sure as to how long your husband may be able to hold his own. Keeping him comfortable is of the utmost importance. Have diuretics been discussed and elevating his feet? As Tanoland has mentioned it can turn quickly but, we have seen, on this board many others keeping the ascities at bay for many months, or more. This is a unique cancer with unpredictable outcomes varying it’s course from person to person. If you can find the time then you might want to use the search function for “ascities” to read up on previous postings although, I am sure for others to be able to share some of their own experiences with you also. Definitely, I would follow Kris’ advise and have someone else look at the medical records if only to confirm the present physician’s prognoses.
    Hugs coming your way,


    Yeah, I have been there. Once they decide no more chemo…seems like everything goes from bad to worse very quickly. My sister lasted less than three months once we stopped all treatment. I am sorry if this is the case for you.


    Was there no discussion on trying a different chemo regime? Not everyone responds to one, but may respond to another combo. I am not sure about your husbands condition, but was radiation discussed? It works well in some places.



    We got the results of the Ct scan on monday and it showed that one of the tumours is still growing .Also my husband had begun to swell -feet and tummy(ascities).The Dr told us that there was no point in continuing the chemo , drained some of the fluid and told us that the important thing now is to keep him comfortable and pain free .I know that this is all a very bad sign and wonder if we may be nearing the end of the road ????????I can deal with this once he doesnt have to suffer too much and for too long .Im also trying really hard to appear bright and cheerful for all our sakes .Anybody been where we are right now ?Deborah

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