Sorry guys, I have been in the hospital for over a week. I got SEVERE diarreah and vomiting which caused a very slipperly slope with dehydration, malnutrition, a 103 fever and alll my body salts and nutrients were out of wack.
Home now. I am tired but fine. Still a little diarreah, but no vomiting and all my nutritional results are fine.
It happened so quickly. Thursday was my last zeloda day and I was looking forward to a wonderful week off. Suprise….not a wonderful week off. I am supposed to go back on another round on tuesday, but we are going to talk to the oncologist about waiting a couple more days.
My best friend from University of South Carolina (GO COCKS!) is coming today for 2 weeeks. She is a ped onc so she knows the score and will be looking out for me.
Thanks for your concern.