New Member, Mary of Los Gatos

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! New Member, Mary of Los Gatos

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    Hello Pat and Mary….I also would like to welcome you our site. I perused your great website and enjoyed your pictures. I don’t know whether you have had a chance to use our search function but if you do, many postings appear regarding Klatskin tumors in addition to tons of important information pertaining to this cancer. Dr. Koon, at Stanford, has extensive experience with Cybrerknife in fact, he is in the process of publishing a study on this type of radiation. Mary seems to be recuperating very well which is always wonderful to hear.
    All my best wishes coming your way,


    Hi Pat,

    I also want to welcome you to the site. You have found the best place to come when dealing with this awful cancer. Everyone here is so helpful and understanding. I can’t be of much help as our situation was very different from yours, however, you re in good hands with Kris & Lainy and I am sure there will be many others joining in soon. I will be hoping for a good follow up appointment. Please keep in touch and let us know how things are going. I will also check out your blog. Good luck to both of you as you travel this journey that none of us wanted to take.

    Take Care,


    Welcome Pat to a place no one wishes to be but we are glad you found us. My husband had cyber knife in December and it is truly amazing. Gold rods and all.
    Your wife seems to be coming through and that’s the great news. Its a long, long journey and we are here to listen or to give arm chair advise. We hope she continues to improve and that you will have some more good news for us.


    Hi Pat,
    It seems like your wife has been put throught the ringer, but it will get better as she gets stronger.

    Surgery was a good step and cyberknife has amazing results.

    I wish nothing but the best for you and your wife. If you have any questions please ask…we are the nicest and most supportive bunch of people if I do say so myself!



    We’ve had an amazing journey starting March 22 of this year and we know it is not over. The basics are that my 62 year old wife had symptoms we thought were flu until she turned jaundiced at the end of the first week.

    It then took five weeks, four ERCPs, three GI Specialists, two hospitals and one surgery to confirm the diagnosis of CC. Two weeks after the path report from the laparoscopic gall bladder removal (first surgery) confirmed CC, Mary had a hepatic trisegmentectomy where they removed 78% of her liver and performed a Roux en Y to connect her intestine to her remaining liver (left lobe).

    Both the laparoscopic gall bladder and the hepatic trisegmentectomy were done by Dr. Brendan C Visser of Stanford Hospital and Cancer Center in Palo Alto CA.

    The path report from the May 11 surgery confirmed CC Stage T3 exhibited as klatskins and confirmed the common bile duct, hepatic duct and right hepatic duct were cancerous. They also reported the removed left hepatic duct did not exhibit adequate margins.

    Mary was discharged last Saturday and our first follow up visit is Friday morning. Dr. Visser placed fiducials (gold drops) in anticipation of radiation treatment, presumably cyberknife but I won’t know that until after our morning appointment.

    The whole story is on our website and blog. I understand you can click on the “website” link to the left to read all the details.

    Pat of Los Gatos

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