metal stents

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! metal stents

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    In our world, metal stents rock!! My husband had a ton of issues with the plastic ones (dislodging, infection etc.) and had to get them changed every few weeks (nightmare). He’s had the metal ones for several months, without issue. There was no surgery through the ribs but they were placed during a procedure the same as the plastic ones. His metal and plastic stents were purely to keep the bile ducts running.

    Regarding external drainage, this was not linked to the stents. Jim has had external drains from the billiary tract, a gallbladder cavity and the lung but not linked to stents.

    I don’t know the links between surgery and stents as Jim was not eligible for surgery.

    Good luck!



    Hi Wendy – I have plastic stents and no experience with metal stents. My understanding has been that insertion of metal stents makes surgery a bit more complicated or difficult. You may want to clarify this as well as the external drainage.

    From what I know, surgery is usually reserved for bilirubin levels under 2.0 or lower… Normally after my ERCP procedures my bilis jump for a day or two and then come down.

    Best of luck,


    I posted a while back, since then our journey has been very up and down with things changing almost daily.

    Firstly, I have to say how how grateful we are to each and every one of you here for sharing your experiences, both positive and sad. It is helping us come to terms with the ride and gives us hope that we can provide the best care and support for my mum who was diagnosed with CC in April, whatever the outcome.

    After several weeks in hospital with very high bilirubin, high calcium, low potassium levels and 3 endo procedures which included placement of 1 plastic stent, 1 recheck and then last week replacement with a larger plastic stent… mum still has very high jaundice levels (580). She was told this morning that she is to have a metal stent placed today which will involve an incision through her rib cage. I feel that this is something to do with them being concerned about the bilirubin levels and they have just managed to help her resume ‘normal’ blood pressure again after several days of low blood pressure, and the calcium and potassium balance in her blood finally normalising with saline and potassium supplements.

    I didn’t ask the question, but searching here think that having a metal stent and the procedure they suggest means she will have outside drainage? Also, we are hopeful that my mum will be considered for surgery because they say the tumor is small and contained as far as they can see (although no PET scan yet) but realise this won’t be an option until they can control the high jaundice levels. Have others had experience of metal stents placed AND then surgery?

    Thanks for taking the time to read this and for helping us to have hope and to find a clear pathway through our horrible journey.
    I wish each and every one of you here hope, strength and courage. :) Wendy

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