FOLFOX chemo has stopped tumors from growing

Discussion Board Forums Good News / What’s Working FOLFOX chemo has stopped tumors from growing

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    what great news for you! I have recently been diagnosed with metastatic disease and am having a hard time sorting it out. I too am on the oxali but I take an oral med called xeloda for 7 days after and Avastin. I have the same issues, the nuropathy happened after the 3rd dose. And it made my arm super sensitive. I have a port now. Its easier. Today while getting the med my toes started to feel funny. So I guess from what you said my next treatment will be about 2 hours longer. Do you have trouble eating cold things? I cant drink or eat anything that isn’t at least room temperature. I love green tea with ginger. It feels great. (with a touch of sugar) and a chemo nurse told me to eat off of plastic silverware to loose some of the metalic taste. It worked! Do you have any tips to share?
    I am also trying to work through this. I do 3 days a week because my kids just turned 3 and 6 in the last month….so I really don’t want to do more. Besides my days are long, 10 or 12 hours at work then 1/2 hour home. When I am home and off the steroids ….I feel like I am always taking a nap but at least I am here with them and we can read a book or color or do a puzzle in bed. My husband is great about making time for me to nap. He’s going to try grocery shopping with the kids this weekend! Good luck to him!
    Hang in there. I am thankful and glad you shared your news. It helped me today.
    beth O


    Thanks for checking in with us and sharing with us your positive response to the current treatment plan. I am happy to hear that you choose to obtain another opinion something, which so many of us find to be mandatory especially, with the diagnoses of CC. It was great hearing from you and please, stay in touch. On to continued success!!!!!.


    what wonderful news. I hate it when doctors give us an expiration date…time and time again they are proven wrong.

    May the good days continue, more shrinkage and stable cc.




    I haven’t written in a while, but wanted to let you know that I have been on FOLFOX since 10/08 and I have Stage IV- mets to my lungs and lymph nodes. I was diagnosed 1/08- intrahepatic and had a resection, followed by 5 months oif GEMZAR. Then, the scan showed it had spread.

    But, my last scan at the end of May 09 showed no increase in size to the tumors in my liver and lungs, and even some shrinkage in the lymph nodes! That was great news.

    Except for being tired and a few digestive problems, the FOLFOX is doing it’s job. I did have a reaction to the Oxilaplatin a few weeks ago, so now they infuse it over a 4 hour period- that seems to have stopped the problem. I
    do have the neuoropathy issues in my hands and feet that go with the Oxila-but am taking meds to try and help that.

    I am remainng very positive, trying to eat healthy and get enough rest. I am still working full time, so I do have my real tired days. But, I was told
    last Oct that I could have only months, but I am still here-I figure that may be 1,000 months- I plan fighting every day.

    Thanks so much for this website- it has a lot of great information. On this site I learned about Dr. Lenz at USC and went to see him in April. He is the nicest Dr., full of hope and positive thinking- he confirmed what my local Dr. is doing is what he would do also, and if this regimen fails, he has a whole list of other things to try. I am on my 17th treatmetn of Oxila, and have been told a lot of people max out at 12- I am remaining tough!

    Take care, and you are all in my prayers- Celeste

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