COBRA costs killing me!

Discussion Board Forums Insurance COBRA costs killing me!

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    Not that this will change anything for you, but we had a situation years ago where our insurance agent assured us something would be covered & after our son was hospitalized the hospital called saying they checked with the insurance & it would only be paying 50% and how would we be taking care of the rest. We were told to always get something in writing when asking these questions, but like you we trusted that this person knew what they were talking about. We paid that one off for a long time! (We also changed companies) You are not alone in your struggles with these insurances, but it is not fair. You don’t need the added stress. I hope on review this decision will be reversed. Good Luck!



    I guess what burns me is that when I talked to my benefits advisor – a guy who is a laywer with and advanced degree mind you – he told me that I would be eligible for the discount. So going on the info he gave me I figured that although money would be tight, I could afford to quit.

    Then I was denied. I called my former employer and THEN he said that it only applied if I was laid off. Gee, thanks for letting me know!

    I just put in an application for review today. Apparently, the program applies if you are WILLING and ABLE to work but was laid off. Since I am WILLING to work, but not ABLE to work, I hope that the denial will be reversed.

    This is what happens when you quickly jam through legislation without thinking the whole thing through. People fall through the cracks. And I agree, something has to be done. I’m not sure what.



    I agree with Marion. This is so ridiculous & unfair. As if dealing with this awful disease and everything that comes with it isn’t more than enough, but to have to worry about the insurance, high premiums etc. is really not fair. Something needs to be done about our horrid health care system here in the US. It is totally out of control. I don’t have any answers for you, but am truely outraged by this. As usual, it seems that insurance is only there for you if you don’t need it! So many of us are falling through those cracks. I’m liking Marion’s idea. If the system can screw with you, why not screw the system! Do whatever it takes to make it work for you if you can.



    Lisa….this is absolutely ridiculous. As if people don’t have enough to deal with when having a disease!!! Can you go back to work and be laid off? I am not kidding. What does it take to circumvent this broad and unjustified ruling?


    Hi G,
    I was told that the program that helps pay 65% of Cobra ONLY applies to people who have been laid off.

    It does not apply to people who have to terminate due to health reasons.

    We’re falling through the cracks again!


    There’s some sort of program that helps to pay 65% of the cost of COBRA. I’m going to start on COBRA in August — through BC/BS of Calif. as well. I’ve been told it’ll cost around $800!



    I’m stuck paying $600 a month for COBRA. Does anyone have any recommendations of some other insurance company that is cheaper on premiums? Or am I stuck because of my pre-existing condition?

    One thing I noticed is that most plans have a $2000 – $3000 limit on prescription drug costs. Does this include chemotherapy or just stuff like pain medication or depression medication?

    Any ideas? My current COBRA plan is through BC/BS of California.

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